Configuration options

Configure page options


Policy options

Screenshot: Policy options for the Development Plan



Development Plans

Checkbox. If checked, the Development Plan process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

Development Need Repeat

Number. The default number of months between Development Need reviews. An action is created for the manager when a review is due.

Manager Confirms Development Needs

Checkbox. If checked, Development Needs must be confirmed by the Team Member's manager.

Development Objectives

Checkbox. If checked, Development Objectives are added to the Competency and Skill Development Needs in the Development Plan. Each Development Objective has a target date and an agreed action.

New Development Objectives

Picklist. The lowest level able to create a new Development Objective. Select from:

  • Team Member: can be created by all.
  • Manager: can be created by manager or HR
  • HR: can be created by HR only.


Checkbox. If checked, the Training process is active.

Require Training On Development Needs

Checkbox. If checked, creating a new development need raises an action on the Actions list to add new training for the development need.

Manager Confirms Training

Checkbox. If checked, training requirements must be confirmed by the Team Member's manager.

Check EITHER Manager Confirms Training OR Require Approval For Training.

Require Approval For Training

Checkbox. If checked, training requirements must be approved.

Check EITHER Require Approval For Training OR Manager Confirms Training.

Training View Only

Checkbox. If checked, Training requirements can be viewed but not created or edited.

Edit Training

Picklist. The lowest level able to edit a training requirement. Select from:

  • Team Member: can be edited by all.
  • Manager: can be edited by manager or HR.
  • HR: can be edited by HR only.

Training Manager Access

Picklist. The level of access granted to managers through WX to Training Needs in a Development Plan for their Team Members. Select from:

  • None

    Managers have no access to Training Needs through their Team Members' Development Plans.

  • Read

    Managers can view but not edit Training Needs through their Team Members' Development Plans.

  • Edit

    Managers can view and edit but not delete Training Needs through their Team Members' Development Plans.

  • Edit and Delete

    Managers can view, edit, and delete Training Needs through their Team Members' Development Plans.

Training Team Member Access

Picklist. The level of access granted to Team Members through WX to Training Needs in their Development Plans. Select from:

  • None

    Team Members have no access to Training Needs through their Development Plans.

  • Read

    Team Members can view but not edit Training Needs through their Development Plans.

  • Edit

    Team Members can view and edit but not delete Training Needs through their Development Plans.

  • Edit and Delete

    Team Members can view and delete Training Needs through their Development Plans.

Field sets

Development Need object

Field Set


Development Need

Fields displayed in WX for a new development need:

  • Skill identified as Needs Development. Displayed in the Required Level section of the Skills page.
  • Competency identified as Needs Development. Displayed in the Development Need section of the Competency page.
  • Development Need added to the Development Plan, Displayed in the Development Plan section of the Development Need page.


Fields displayed in WX for a manager to assess progress for a development need.

Displayed in the Outcome section of the Development Need page.

Picklist values

To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Development Need object

Outcome field

  • Exceeded

  • Achieved

  • Not Achieved

  • Canceled

Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Development Need object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Formula (Text)

Action Date

Formula (Date)

Agreed Action

Long Text Area (32000)

Approved Date



Text (255)

Area: Item

Formula (Text)

Bar Chart

Formula (Text)

Close Date



Lookup (Competency)

Confirmed Date



Formula (Number)

Gap Percentage

Formula (Percent)


Text (255)


Lookup (Scale Response)

Manager Action

Formula (Text)

Manager Action Date

Formula (Date)


Number (2,0)


Lookup (Team Member)




Formula (Percent)


Long Text Area (32000)

Required For Objective

Lookup (Objective)

Required Score

Number (2,0)


Formula (Percent)


Long Text Area (32768)


Number (2,1)


Lookup (Skill)


Formula (Text)

Target Date


Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)

Record types

Record types for the Development Need object: 

  • Competency Need

  • Development Objective

  • Skill Need

Action events


When sent


When a Development Need is approved by a manager.


When a Development Need is edited by a team member or manager.


When a Development Need is added to a team member profile by the team member or manager.

Review Date

When a Development Need Review Date is today. The trigger date can be offset* from the Review Date.

* Action events can use these dates to calculate a trigger date by applying an offset. Offsets can be in days or months and can be positive (after the date), negative (before the date) or zero (on the date).


  • Manager and Team Member: Add New or Confirm. Appears when:

    • The Development Plan process is active.
    • The Next Development Needs date is not blank and is today or in the past.
    • The Team Member has skills, OR the Team Member has a completed Competency Assessment.

After a Development Plan is created or edited Next Development Need date is advanced by the number of Repeat Months set in the Policy field Development Need Repeat. If Next Development Need is blank it is set to the number of Repeat Months beyond the creation date or the last editing date of the Development Plan, whichever is later.