Configuration options

Configure page options

Setting Description

Use Performance Review Templates

Checkbox. If checked:

  • New Performance Reviews use Performance Review Templates in place of Field Sets.
  • Overrides Policies with the Policy checkbox Use Performance Review Templates unchecked, enforcing use of Performance Review Templates across your organization.

    If unchecked:

  • New Performance Reviews use Field Sets to control Review displays.
  • Does not override Policies with the Policy checkbox Use Performance Review Templates checked, enabling Policy-level selection of Performance Review Templates.

Redesigned Performance Overview released in Y24.2 release requires performance review templates.

Policy options

Screenshot: Performance Review Policy Options



Performance Reviews

Checkbox. If checked, the Performance Review process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

Performance Review Repeat

Number. Number of months between performance reviews. The manager receives an action prompt to do another review when due.

Note: Action prompts are generated when the Sage People Action Creation Time is active - check the HCM Configure page (Setup > App Setup > Installed Packages > Human Capital Management > Configure).

New Performance Review

Picklist. The lowest level able to start a performance Review. Select from:

  • Team Member:not used.
  • Manager: can be started by manager or HR.
  • HR: can be started by HR only.

Create Performance Review When Due

Checkbox. If checked, and the Sage People Action Creation Time is active, a new Performance Review for the Team Member is automatically created on the due date.

Sage People Action Creation Time is set on the HCM Configure page (Setup > App Setup > Installed Packages > Human Capital Management > Configure).

Default Performance Review Template

Picklist. If Use Performance Review Templates is checked AND Create Performance Review When Due is checked, the Performance Review Template to use by default when a new Review is created.

Select the picklist and choose the Template you want to use as a default.

The picklist lists all published Templates.

Self Review First

Checkbox. If checked, the self performance review must be revealed first, before the manager is prompted to do their review.

Require Competency Assessment On Reveal

Checkbox. If checked, a Competency Assessment must have been completed within the last two months before a performance review is revealed.

Not applicable for the resigned Performance Overview in release Y24.2.

Require Objective Review On Reveal

Checkbox. If checked, all objectives that need to be reviewed are reviewed before a performance review is revealed.

Not applicable for the resigned Performance Overview in release Y24.2.

Permit Team Member Edit After Reveal

Checkbox. If checked, the Performance Review can be edited by the Team Member after it has been revealed to the manager.

Permit Manager Edit After Reveal

Checkbox. If checked, the Performance Review can be edited by the manager after it has been revealed to the Team Member.

Require Approval For Performance Review

Checkbox. If checked, and an approval process is configured, a submitted performance review is sent for approval or rejection before it can be revealed to the team member. An HR Manager or a manager in the reporting chain above the Team Member who is included in the approval process can approve the performance review. See the process diagram.

This option does not operate if the approval process is not active.

If checked, Performance Review One Up Approves must be unchecked.

Performance Review One Up Approves

Checkbox. If checked, and an approval process is configured, a submitted performance review is sent to a one up (or more senior) manager for approval or rejection. See the process diagram.

This option does not operate if the approval process is not active.

If checked, Require Approval for Performance Review must be unchecked.

Disable Self Final Comments

Checkbox. If checked, the team member is not able to add comments when signing a performance review.

Require Objectives On Sign

Checkbox. If checked, current objectives are required before signing a performance review.

Not applicable for the resigned Performance Overview in release Y24.2.

Use Performance Review Templates

Checkbox. If checked, new Performance Reviews use Performance Review Templates in place of Field Sets.

If unchecked, new Performance Reviews use field sets to control Review displays.

If unchecked, the Policy setting is overridden by a checked Use Performance Review Templates checkbox on the HCM Configure page.

Redesigned Performance Overview released in Y24.2 release requires performance review templates.

In addition to the controls offered by Performance Review policy options, you can use performance review templates or field sets to define the fields appearing in WX for both the manager's performance review for the team member and the team member's self performance review:

  • Performance review templates enable you to define multiple, reusable varieties of performance review, including conditions controlling when each template is valid. You can use templates to preserve the integrity of historical reviews by creating new versions as your processes evolve. Templates are held in the Templates Library, conditions in the Constraints Library. Templates replicate field set field availability. Sage People recommends you use performance review templates.
  • Field sets enable you to define the field content of the manager review and the self review. You can define one set of fields for each, which is then applied to all performance reviews.

Field sets

Performance Review object - completed by Manager

Field Set


Additional Details

Fields displayed as read only fields in the WX Performance Review Edit and Detail views, Additional Details section.

The fields are displayed for information purposes during a review and include a range of scores and ratings. The fields are only displayed for the current review, not for any previous reviews.

Additional Details Mid Year

Fields displayed as read only fields in the WX Performance Review Detail view, Additional Details section, for the mid year performance review.

The fields are displayed for information purposes during a review and include a range of scores and ratings. The fields are only displayed for the current review, not for any previous reviews.

Performance Review

Fields displayed in the WX Performance Review Detail view in the Manager Comments and Rating section.

Typically used to add text boxes.

You may be able to meet requirements by renaming existing text boxes using the Translation Workbench.

This field set provides the only way to display these fields for WX:

  • Action Plan
  • Career Aspirations
  • Development Needs
  • Rating
  • Strengths
  • Training

Field sets used with field set mapping provide a more powerful range of options.

Performance Review Mid Year

Fields displayed in the WX Performance Review Detail view in the Manager Comments and Rating section for mid year performance reviews.

Typically used to add text boxes.

The mid year equivalent of the Performance Review field set.


Self Performance Review object - completed by Team Member
Field Set Purpose

Self Performance Review

Fields displayed in the WX Performance Review Detail view for the Team Member's Self Review.

Typically used to add text boxes.

In most cases text boxes should correspond with those in the Manager's view of the Performance Review.

Self Performance Review Mid Year

Fields displayed in the WX Performance Review Detail view for the Team Member's mid year self review.

Typically used to add text boxes.

In most cases text boxes should correspond with those in the Manager's view of the Performance Review.

Fields displayed in the WX Performance Review Detail view for the Team Member's mid year self review for mid year performance reviews.

The mid year equivalent of the Self Performance Review field set.


To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Performance Review object

Rating field

  • Exceeds Expectations

  • Meets Expectations

  • Below Expectations

  • Development Need

Constraint Library Item object

End Date field

  • Current Year Start Date

  • Current Year End Date

Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Constraint Library Item object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Text Area (255)

End Date


End Date Modifier

Number (3,0)

Start Date


Start Date Modifier

Number (3,0)


Feedback Item object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Long Text Area (32768)


Rich Text Area (32768)

Review Date



Lookup (Team Member)

Reviewer Type

Text (40)


Lookup (Template Version)


Text (40)


Performance Review object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Formula (Text)

Action (Local)

Formula (Text)

Action Date

Formula (Date)

Action Plan

Long Text Area (32000)

Additional Details Template

Lookup (Template Version)

Annual Average Competency Score

Number (5,2)

Annual Average Objective Score

Number (5,2)

Appraisal Form

Lookup (HCM Form)

Approved Date


Career Aspirations

Long Text Area (32000)

Competency Assessment

Lookup (Competency Assessment)

Competency Score

Number (5,2)

Completed Date


Continuous Feedback Template

Lookup (Template Version)

Development Needs

Long Text Area (32000)


Text (128)

Is Being Approved


Manager Action

Formula (Text)

Manager Action Date

Formula (Date)

Manager Email


Manager Review Only


Manager Sign Form

Lookup (HCM Form)

Mid-Year Review


Objective Score

Number (5,2)

One Up Manager

Lookup (User)

Period End Date


Period Start Date




Rating Score

Formula (Number)

Rating Score Squared

Formula (Number)

Revealed Date



Long Text Area (32000)

Review With Competencies



Number (2,0)

Self Performance Review

Lookup (Self Performance Review)

Self Review First


Signed Date



Formula (Text)


Long Text Area (32000)

Submitted Date


Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)

Team Member Action

Formula (Text)

Team Member Action Date

Formula (Date)

Team Member Email


Team Member Sign Form

Lookup (HCM Form)

Team Member Signed Date

Formula (Date)

Team Member Status (Local)

Text (16)


Lookup (Template Version)


Long Text Area (32000)

When renaming fields in the Performance Review object, remember to also rename corresponding fields in the Self Performance Review object for consistency.


Performance Review Feedback object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Feedback Item

Master-Detail (Feedback Item)

Performance Review

Master-Detail (Performance Review)


Self Performance Review object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Action Plan

Long Text Area (32000)

Career Aspirations

Long Text Area (32000)

Development Needs

Long Text Area (32000)


Text (128)

Final Comment

Long Text Area (32000)

Performance Review

Lookup (Performance Review)

Revealed Date


Self Review

Long Text Area (32000)

Signed Date



Formula (Text)


Long Text Area (32000)

Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)


Lookup (Template Version)


Long Text Area (32000)


Template Constraint Association object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Master-Detail (Constraint Library Item)

Template Library Item

Master-Detail (Template Library Item)


Template Field object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Field Name

Text (80)


Number (3,0)




Text (80)

Template Version

Master-Detail (Template Version)


Template Library Item object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Current Version

Number (8,0)


Text Area (255)




Formula (Text)

Type Code

Text (64)


Template Version object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Text (80)


Master-Detail (Template Library Item)


Number (8,0)

Custom objects

The following objects support Performance Reviews:

  • Constraint Library Item

    Enables restrictions to be applied to Performance Review Templates.

  • Performance Review
  • Self Performance Review
  • Template Constraint Association

    Links one or more Performance Review Templates to one or more Constraints.

  • Template Field

    Fields appearing on a Performance Review Template.

  • Template Library Item

    Holds a list of Template Versions and identifies the latest version.

  • Template Version

    Records the content of a Performance Review Template at a point in time. Changes to the content result in a new Template Version with an incremented version number.

Record types

Record types for the Performance Review object: 

  • New

  • Draft

  • Revealed

  • Approved

  • Completed


  • Manager: New Due. Appears when:

    • Performance review process is active.
    • Has no active performance review.
    • The Next Performance Review date is not blank and is today or in the past.

      After a performance review is complete the Next Performance Review is advanced by the number of Performance Review Repeat months. If the Next Performance Review is blank then it is set to the number of Performance Review Repeat months beyond the date when the just completed performance review was originally started.

  • Manager: Submit or Edit. Appears when Performance review status is Draft and has not been submitted for approval.
  • Manager: Reveal. Appears when Performance review status is Approved.
  • Manager: Sign. Appears when:

    • Performance review status is Revealed.
    • Either: there is no self performance review, or the self performance review has been signed.
  • Team Member: Reveal or Edit. Appears when Self performance review status is Draft.
  • Team Member: Sign. Appears when:

    • Self performance review status is Revealed.
    • Performance review status is Revealed.

Action events

Performance Review object


When sent


When a senior manager or HR approves a performance review.


When a manager or team member enters text into their part of a performance review.


When a performance review is created.


When a senior manager or HR rejects a performance review.


When a team member or manager reveals a performance review to the other.

Review Date

When a Performance Review Review Date is today. The trigger date can be offset* from the review date.


When a team member or manager signs a performance review.


When a manager submits a performance review for HR approval.

* Action Events can use these dates to calculate a trigger date by applying an offset. Offsets can be in days or months and can be positive (after the date), negative (before the date) or zero (on the date).

Continuous Feedback object


When sent


When a continuous feedback performance review is closed.

Edit Latest

When the most recent continuous feedback comment is edited.


When a continuous feedback comment is added.