Performance Review scores and ratings

Performance Review pages in the HR Manager portal and in WX can be configured to display a range of scores and ratings as aids to the manager and Team Member when conducting formal reviews and self reviews.

Score Description
Annual Average Competency Score

Where displayed

  • HR Manager Portal, Performance Review Detail page.

    Ensure Annual Average Competency Score is added to the Performance Review Page Layout.

  • WX Performance Review Detail View for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Annual Average Competency Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.

  • WX Performance Review Edit view for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Annual Average Competency Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.


Based on all reviews since the last annual review, the average of all scores by all reviewers, including self review scores.

Annual Average Objective Score

Where displayed

  • HR Manager Portal, Performance Review Detail page.

    Ensure Annual Average Objective Score is added to the Performance Review Page Layout.

  • WX Performance Review Detail View for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Annual Average Objective Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.

  • WX Performance Review Edit view for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Annual Average Objective Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.


Based on all reviews since the last annual review.

If Objective Weights are used:

  • The sum of all (Weight x Score) values.

    If Objective Weights are not used:

  • The sum of all Objective Scores, divided by the number of Scores.
Competency Score

Where displayed

  • HR Manager Portal, Performance Review Detail page.

    Ensure Competency Score is added to the Performance Review Page Layout.

  • WX Performance Review Detail View for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Competency Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.

  • WX Performance Review Edit view for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Competency Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.


The average of the average scores from the Team Member's all past Competency Assessments, calculated when the Performance Review was created.

Objective Score

Where displayed

  • HR Manager Portal, Performance Review Detail page.

    Ensure Objective Score is added to the Performance Review Page Layout.

  • WX Performance Review Detail View for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Objective Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.

  • WX Performance Review Edit view for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Objective Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.

Objective Scores are displayed on current reviews and are intended as read-only information useful when completing the review. As part of the Additional Details Field Set, Objective Scores are displayed to Team Members after the manager has revealed the review.

Objective Scores are not displayed on previous or historical reviews.

When calculated

When the Performance Review is created, edited, or revealed, if the Objective Score field is included in the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set.


The calculation includes all Objectives meeting all of the following criteria:

  • Start Date earlier than 45 days before today.
  • End Date later than 45 days after the last Performance Review revealed date

    OR if this is the Team Member's first Performance Review, 45 days after the Start Date of the previous working year. Year Start Dates are set using the Policy fields Year Start Day and Year Start Month.

  • Not in Draft, Prepare, or Rejected Draft status.

The calculation then runs as follows:

  1. Assign an integer value to the Progress rating on each included Objective:
  2. Ongoing: Above Track = 3
  3. Ongoing: On Track = 2
  4. Ongoing: Below Track = 1
  5. Closed: Exceeded = 3
  6. Closed: Achieved = 2
  7. Closed: Not Achieved = 1
  8. Closed: Canceled = Not used
  9. If Objective Weights are used:

    1. For each included Objective, the integer value from step 1 is multiplied by the Objective Weight.
    2. The resulting values are summed to give the Objective Score.
  10. If Objective Weights are not used:

    1. For all included Objective, the integer values from step 1 are summed.
    2. The result is divided by the number of included Objectives to give the Objective Score.

Where displayed

  • HR Manager Portal, Performance Review Detail page.

    Ensure Rating is added to the Performance Review Page Layout.

  • WX Performance Review Detail View for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Rating is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.

  • WX Performance Review Edit view for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Rating is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.


The Rating is the text value selected from the available picklist values to summarize Team Member performance over the review period.

Rating Score

Where displayed

  • HR Manager Portal, Performance Review Detail page.

    Ensure Rating Score is added to the Performance Review Page Layout.

  • WX Performance Review Detail View for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Rating Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.

  • WX Performance Review Edit view for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Rating Score is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.


Rating Score represents the Rating picklist text value converted to a numeric equivalent depending on its order in the picklist. For example, a Rating picklist with four values has Rating Scores 1, 2, 3, 4, with 4 representing the highest Rating.

Rating Score Squared

Where displayed

  • HR Manager Portal, Performance Review Detail page.

    Ensure Rating Score Squared is added to the Performance Review Page Layout.

  • WX Performance Review Detail View for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Rating Score Squared is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.

  • WX Performance Review Edit view for the current Performance Review.

    Ensure Rating Score Squared is added to the Performance Review Additional Details Field Set, or the Performance Review Additional Details Mid Year Field Set for mid-year reviews.


Rating Score multiplied by itself.