Set up approval process

Sage People is typically configured with an approval process for Performance Reviews, called Performance Review HR Approval.

The following screenshot displays the definition detail for the standard approval process:

Screenshot: Approval Process Definition Detail:

Field Standard value
Process Name Performance Review HR Approval
Unique Name Performance_Review_HR_Approval
Description Used for notification to HR that a review is ready for approval
Entry criteria Performance Review: Created Date NOT EQUAL TO null
Record Editability Administrator Only
Approval Assignment Email Template SF Performance Review Submitted
Initial Submitters Performance Review Owner, Group: All Internal Users
Active Not selected
Next Automated Approver Determined By -- no value --
Allow Submitters to Recall Approval Requests Not selected


The following screenshot displays the approval actions and approval steps:

Screenshot: Approval process approval steps and actions

In summary: 

  • Initial submission actions:

    Action type Description
    Record Lock Lock the record from being edited
    Field Update Set the value of Is Being Approved
    Field Update Set the value of Submitted Date
  • Approval steps

    Step number Step name Assigned Approver Reject Behavior
    1 Step 1 - HR Approver User: Sage People System Support Final Rejection
  • Final approval actions:

    Action type Description
    Record Lock Lock the record from being edited
    Field Update Clear the value of Is Being Approved
    Field Update Set the value of Approved Date
  • Final rejection actions:

    Action type Description
    Record Lock Lock the record from being edited
    Field Update Clear the value of Submitted Date
    Field Update Clear the value of Is Being Approved


Edit the standard Performance Review approval process

If you want to use the standard Performance Review approval process, you need to change the Assigned Approver from the Sage People System Support to a user responsible for these approvals.

  1. Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter approval and select Approval Processes from the search results.

  2. In the Manage Approval Processes For: picklist, select Performance Review.

  3. In the list of Inactive Approval Processes select Performance Review HR Approval from the Approval Process Name column.

    If the Performance Review HR Approval is on the list of Active Approval Processes, first select Deactivate, and then select the approval process from the list of Inactive Approval Processes.

    Sage People displays the Approval Processes Detail page for the Performance Review HR Approval process.

  4. Go to the Approval Steps related list section:

    Screenshot: Approval Steps

  5. Select Edit next to Step Number 1.

    Sage People displays Step 1 of the Approval Step Edit process.

  6. Select Next until you are viewing Step 3 of the Approval Step Edit process.

  7. In the Select Approver section, select Automatically assign to approver(s).

    Use lookup to find and select the User who is responsible for final approval.

  8. Select Save.

  9. Review the Process Definition Detail section and verify the Initial Submitters selected. This is typically set to Performance Review Owner and the All Internal Users public group. If you do not see the All Internal Users group, it is a good idea to add it to ensure the approval process works well in all situations:

    1. In the Process Definition Detail section, select Edit and then select Initial Submitters.

    2. Select the Submitter Type picklist and then select Public Groups from the picklist.

    3. In the Available Submitters panel, select Group: All Internal Users and then select Add to move to the Allowed Submitters panel.

    4. Select Save.

  10. On the Process Definition Detail page, select Activate.

    Sage People displays a confirmation screen. Select OK.

Edit the email template used in the approval template

The standard approval process for performance review HR approval is configured to send an email when the approval action is assigned to the approver.

  • To amend the email template:

    1. Go to Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter email, and select Classic Email Templates from the search results.

    2. Select Folder and choose HCM General from the picklist.

    3. Select Edit for the email template, typically SF Performance Review Submitted.

    1. Select HCM General from the Folder list.

    2. Make the changes you want, and then select Save. For more information about email templates, see Creating an email template.

For other events related to Performance Reviews, actions are created on WX as they become due and will be noted in the Action Digest.

Configure the approval process for one up manager approvals

To configure the approval process for one up manager approvals:

Deactivate and clone the Performance Review HR approval process

  1. Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter approval and select Approval Processes from the search results.
  2. In the Manage Approval Processes For: picklist, select Performance Review.
  3. In the list of Approval Processes select Performance Review HR Approval name.
  4. Select Clone.

  5. Enter a new Name, Unique Name and Description, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Screenshot: Approval Process Information section

  6. Select Save.

Update the cloned approval process

On the Approval Processes Detail page for the cloned process:

  1. Go to the Approval Steps section.
  2. Select Edit next to Step 1.

  3. In Step 1. Enter Name and Description, edit the Name, Unique Name, and Description so describe the purpose of the approval process.

  4. Select Next.

  5. In Step 2. Specify Step Criteria, select All records should enter this step:

    Screenshot: Specify Step Criteria

  6. Select Next.

  7. In Step 3. Select Assigned Approver, select Automatically assign to approver(s).

  8. Select Related User and One Up Manager:

    Screenshot: Select Approver

  9. Select Save.

Add a new approval step for HR approval

On the Approval Processes Detail page for the cloned process, go to the Approval Steps section:

  1. Select New Approval Step.

  2. In Step 1. Enter Name and Description, enter a Name, Unique Name, and Description for the approval step, and for Step Number enter 2:

    Screenshot:  Step 2 of Approval Process

  3. Select Next.

  4. In Step 2. Specify Step Criteria, select All records should enter this step:

    Screenshot: Specify Step Criteria.

  5. Select Next.

  6. In Step 3. Select Assigned Approver, select Automatically assign to approver(s). Select User, and then use the lookup to find and select the user responsible for the final approval.

  7. Select Save.

  8. On the Approval Processes Detail page, select Activate for the approval process.