Configure with field sets

Sage People recommends you use performance review templates to select which fields you want to display in performance review and self performance review records. Templates are the recommended option, because they support the option of having different sets of fields for different kinds of performance reviews, and because templates are versioned, so when you view previous performance reviews, you see the fields associated with the template version the review was created with.

It is still possible to use field sets instead of performance review templates to select the fields for performance reviews and self performance reviews. The fields in the field sets apply to all performance review and self performance review records in your org.

The following table lists the managed package fields available for the field sets:

Field Performance Review
(Performance Review object)
Self Performance Review (Self Performance Review object) Additional Details
(Performance Review object)


None None Available

Action Date

None None Available

Action Plan

Available Available Available

Annual Average Competency Score

None None Available

Annual Average Objective Score

None None Available

Career Aspirations

Available Available Available

Competency Score

None None Available

Development Needs

Available Available Available

Is Being Approved

None None Available

Last Viewed Date

None None None

Last Referenced Date

None None None

Objective Score

None None Available


Available None Available

Rating Score

None None Available

Rating Score Squared

None None Available


None None Available


None None Available

Self Review

None None None


Available Available Available


Available Available Available


None None None


None None None


Field sets

Performance review

Two field sets defined for the Performance Review object provide fields for full year performance reviews:

  • The Performance Review field set.

    Fields from the Performance Review object for adding to the WX Performance Review view in the Manager Comments and Rating section. These fields accept input:

    Field Label

    Field Type

    Action Plan

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Career Aspirations

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Development Needs

    Long Text Area (32000)




    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)

    You can also add a range of fields from the Team Member object.

  • The Additional Details field set.

    Fields from the Performance Review object for adding as read only fields to the WX Performance Review view in the Additional Details section:

    Field Label

    Field Type


    Formula (Text)

    Action (Local)

    Formula (Text)

    Action Date

    Formula (Date)

    Action Plan

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Annual Average Competency Score

    Number (5,2)

    Annual Average Objective Score

    Number (5,2)

    Career Aspirations

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Competency Score

    Number (5,2)

    Development Needs

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Is Being Approved


    Objective Score

    Number (5,2)



    Rating Score

    Formula (Number)

    Rating Score Squared

    Formula (Number)


    Long Text Area (32000)


    Number (2,0)


    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)

    You can also add a range of fields from the Team Member object.

Self performance review

  • The Self Performance Review field set.

    Fields from the Performance Review object for adding to the WX Performance Review view in the Manager Comments and Rating section. These fields accept input:

    Field Label

    Field Type

    Action Plan

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Career Aspirations

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Development Needs

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Self Review

    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)

    You can also add a range of fields from the Team Member object.

Mid year reviews

2 field sets defined for the Performance Review object and 1 field set defined for the Self Performance Review object provide fields for mid year reviews:

  • The Performance Review Mid Year field set.

    Fields from the Performance Review object for adding to the WX Performance Review view in the Manager Comments and Rating section. These fields accept input:

    Field Label

    Field Type

    Action Plan

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Career Aspirations

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Development Needs

    Long Text Area (32000)




    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)

    You can also add a range of fields from the Team Member object.

  • The Additional Details Mid Year Field Set.

    Fields from the Performance Review object for adding as read only fields to the WX Performance Review view in the Additional Details section:

    Field Label

    Field Type


    Formula (Text)

    Action (Local)

    Formula (Text)

    Action Date

    Formula (Date)

    Action Plan

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Annual Average Competency Score

    Number (5,2)

    Annual Average Objective Score

    Number (5,2)

    Career Aspirations

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Competency Score

    Number (5,2)

    Development Needs

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Objective Score

    Number (5,2)



    Rating Score

    Formula (Number)

    Rating Score Squared

    Formula (Number)


    Long Text Area (32000)


    Number (2,0)


    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)

    You can also add a range of fields from the Team Member object.

  • The Self Performance Review Mid Year field set.

    Fields from the Performance Review object for adding to the WX Performance Review view in the Manager Comments and Rating section. These fields accept input:

    Field Label

    Field Type

    Action Plan

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Career Aspirations

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Development Needs

    Long Text Area (32000)

    Self Review

    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)


    Long Text Area (32000)

    You can also add a range of fields from the Team Member object.