Performance review dates

The frequency of performance reviews is determined by the Performance Review Repeat option in the policy.

Performance review dates use the Year Start Day and Year Start Month in the policy as the base date.

When a performance review is completed, the Next Performance Review Date in the team member record is calculated using the following rules:

  • If the Next Performance Review Date is currently empty, the value is calculated by repeatedly adding the value of Performance Review Repeat to the Created Date of the completed Performance Review until the date is in the future.

    For example, if:

    Policy: Year Start Day1
    Policy: Year Start MonthJanuary
    Policy: Performance Review Repeat12 (months)
    Team member record: Start Date15 March 2023
    Team member record: Next Performance Review Dateblank
    Performance review record: Created Date1 October 2023
    Performance review record: StatusCompleted

    After the completion of the performance review created on 1 October, the new Next Performance Review Date is calculated by adding the Performance Review Repeat (12) to the Created Date. The new Next Performance Review Date is therefore 1 October 2024.

  • If the Next Performance Review Date already holds a value, the new date is calculated by repeatedly adding the value of Performance Review Repeat to the current value until the date is in the future.

    For example, if:

    Policy: Year Start Day1
    Policy: Year Start MonthJanuary
    Policy: Performance Review Repeat6 (months)
    Team member record: Next Performance Review Date15 May 2023
    Performance review record: Created Date15 November 2023
    Performance review record: Completed Date30 November 2023


    In this example, the team member has completed a November performance review in the previous year, but missed the current year's May review, as shown by the Next Performance Review Date being set to May. At the completion of the current year's November review at the end of the month, the calculation for Next Performance Review Date starts from the current value: 15 May. Adding 6 months to it gives 15 November, which is already in the past, so another 6 months is added to result in 15 May 2024.

Performance review end date

Performance Review End Date for Performance Overview in WX is calculated as follows:

Performance period start date + Performance Review repeat - 1 day.

For example, if the start date is 1 January and the repeat is 12 months, this calculation sets the Performance Review End Date as 31 December and enables Performance Overview to display objectives within the appropriate Performance Review period.