Summary process templates

Summary process enhancements include a number of templates you can use to set up Summary processes. You can use the templates as a starting point and make adjustments, for example, to change the time period when new joiners are included in the New Hires Summary process.

The templates include:

Template Description Where Clause contents Order By Limit
New Hires Shows a count or carousel of Team Members who have recently joined your organization.

Selects Team Members where all of the following apply:

  • whose Start Date is today or earlier
  • whose Start Date is within the last 30 days
  • who are current employees (have not left your organization)

Orders data by:

  • Team Member's Hire Date in descending order (most recent dates first)


  • Team Member's Name in ascending order (alphabetical)
Upcoming Birthdays

Shows a count or carousel of Team Members whose birthdays are coming up.

Selects Team Members where all of the following apply:

  • whose Current Birthday is today or in the future
  • whose Current Birthday is within the next 7 days
  • who are current employees (have not left your organization)

Orders data by:

  • Next Birthday in ascending order (earliest dates first), then
  • Team Member's Name in ascending order (alphabetical)


Upcoming Work Anniversaries

Shows a count or carousel of Team Members whose work anniversary is coming up.

Selects Team Members where all of the following apply:

  • whose Current Anniversary is in the current month
  • who are current employees (have not left your organization)
  • whose Employment Start Date is at least one year in the past

Orders data by:

  • Next Anniversary in ascending order (earliest dates first)


Employee Count Shows the number of current Team Members in your organization.

Selects Team Members where the following apply:

  • who are current employees (have not left your organization), and
  • whose Start Date is today or in the past
None None

Shows a count or a carousel of Recognitions given in your organization in the current month.

Selects Recognitions where:

  • Show in Summary is enabled, and
  • Recognition Date is in the current month.
None 1000