Chart types

Line Chart

Screenshot: line chart

  • The legend includes labels for all charted lines.
  • Select a label to toggle that line on or off in the chart.

Bar Chart

Screenshot: bar chart

  • The legend includes labels for all charted bar types.
  • Select a label to toggle that bar on or off in the chart.

Horizontal Bar Chart

Screenshot: horizontal bar chart

  • The legend includes labels for all charted bar types.
  • Select a label to toggle that bar on or off in the chart.

Pie Chart

Screenshot: pie chart

  • Pie charts display data clockwise from 12 o'clock, in the order of the rows in Table display.
  • Tool tips display the percentage represented by each segment to one decimal place:

    Screenshot: pie chart with hover legend

  • The legend includes labels for all segments of the pie.
  • Select a label to toggle that segment on or off - any displayed total value alters to reflect the segments toggled on:

    Screenshot: pie chart with labels

  • Pie charts including the legend scale to fit the page size, so a large legend reduces the space available for the pie itself. Pie charts can display with up to 100 legend items.
Note Pie charts are displayed using a standard color palette. This cannot be edited.

Doughnut Chart

Screenshot: donut chart

  • Doughnut charts display data clockwise from 12 o'clock, in the order of the rows in Table display.
  • Tool tips display the percentage represented by each section to one decimal place:

    Screenshot: donut chart with hover legend

  • The legend includes labels for all sections of the doughnut.
  • Select a label to toggle that section on or off:

    Screenshot: donut chart with labels

  • Doughnut charts including the legend scale to fit the page size, so a large legend reduces the space available for the doughnut itself. Doughnut charts can display with up to 100 legend items.
Note Doughnut charts are displayed using a standard color palette. This cannot be edited.

Radar Chart

Screenshot: radar chart

  • The legend includes labels for all charted lines.
  • Select a label to toggle that line on or off in the chart.