Maintaining the stock price

The Stock Price is used to calculate a financial value for granted stock options:

  • Grant Value = Quantity x Stock Price

  • Vested Value = Quantity Vested x Stock Price

  • Exercised Value = Quantity Exercised x Stock Price

You define an initial Stock Price when you create a Stock Option Pattern. The initial Stock Price can be, for example:

  • Your organization's quoted stock price at the date the Stock Option scheme is set up.

  • Determined by a formula, based on the stock price at a specific date, and typically defined in the scheme rules.

You can leave the Stock Price at its initial value through the life of an option, or, more typically, maintain it over time to reflect the changing market value of your organization's stock.

To change the Stock Price:

  1. Select the Stock Option Patterns tab.

    Sage People displays the Stock Option Patterns Home page.

  2. Select Edit in the Action column next to the Stock Option Pattern you want to maintain.

    Sage People displays the Stock Option Pattern Edit page.

  3. Change the Stock Price to the value you want.

  4. Select Save.

    Sage People displays the Stock Option Patterns Home page.

Sage People automatically recalculates the values based on the new Stock Price.