Recording options exercises

When an employee decides to exercise an option you must enter the details of their purchase on the Stock Option record.

  1. Open the Employment Record for the Team Member who has been granted the stock option.

  2. Scroll down to the Stock Options related list section.

  3. Select the Stock Option reference for the option the Team Member wants to Exercise:

    Screenshot: Selecting a stock option

    Sage People displays the Stock Option Detail page.

  4. Scroll down to the Stock Exercises Related List.

  5. Select New Stock Exercise:

    Screenshot: Selecting the New Stock Exercise button

    Sage People displays the New Stock Exercise Edit page:

    Screenshot: Stock Exercise Edit page for a new stock exercise

  6. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description
    Stock Option The number of the Stock Option to which this Exercise applies.Defaults to the Stock Option record you selected. To change to a different option, select Stock Option Lookup Icon: Salesforce lookup , find and select the option you want.
    Exercise Date The date the transaction to purchase is passed. A past date or today's date, typically not a future date.
    Quantity The number of shares purchased in this Exercise. Less than or equal to the outstanding balance of vested options.
  7. Select:

    • Save to save the stock exercise you have entered. Sage People displays the Stock Exercise Detail page.

    • Save & New to save the stock exercise and enter another Stock Exercise for this option. Sage People redisplays the New Stock Exercise page.

    • Cancel to discard your changes. Sage People returns you to the Stock Option Detail page.

Stock Option Exercises are added to the Stock Exercises related list for the Stock Option:

Screenshot: Stock Exercises Related List with one stock exercise record