Data privacy rules pilot release

Sage People Y22.1 release introduces data privacy rules to assist you in managing Team Member data in your organization in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and other data protection legislation.

Collecting and processing only as much personal information as required for the purpose, and disposing of it when it is no longer needed are among the key GDPR principles. For example, during a Team Member's employment you need to collect and maintain information about their bank accounts to pay them, and about their dependents to administer their benefits. When the Team Member has left your organization and their benefit eligibility has ended, you no longer require this information, and need to dispose of it.

The Sage People vision in developing data privacy rules is to give you a flexible tool to meet your data protection requirements for personal data you no longer need to retain. You can schedule a batch job to delete or replace data meeting the deletion criteria on a regular basis, or run the job manually when needed.

The data privacy rules feature is released on a pilot basis. A pilot release: A software release in the early stages of the delivery lifecycle, typically with new or significantly enhanced functionality. The scope of pilot functionality is limited and intended for a selected group of users to solicit feedback on feature functionality and future development priorities. Consequently, a pilot release is usually deployed in a non-production environment such as a sandbox or a trial org and is not made generally available.

The data privacy rules pilot has ended and the feature was not made generally available.