Vacation attachments

From release Y23.3, Sage People supports attachment uploads for vacation-type Absence Accrual Rules, to support geographies where evidence is required for vacation bookings. Previously, attachments could only be added to absence-type rules.

When the Vacation Attachments checkbox is selected for an accrual rule, team members will be able to upload a file when booking their vacation.

Screenshot: supporting file upload for a vacation request

To enable file attachments for vacation-type absence rules, first add the Vacation Attachments checkbox to your Absence Accrual Rule page layout.

When creating or editing an Absence Accrual Rule, the Vacation Attachments checkbox is now available:

Screenshot: Vacation Attachments setting for an accrual rule

Select this option to enable file uploads for a vacation-type rule.

File uploads are available by default for absence-type rules.