Y24.1 release highlights

Welcome to the Sage People Y24.1 release!

Our focus remains on automating manual tasks and admin, enabling you to prioritize time with your people and enhancing their experiences.

Scan the highlights to find out what’s in store for this upcoming release and watch a short demo of each new feature using the video snippets.


  • Workforce Insights: beta

    Addressing some of our most voted for customer requests around reporting and analytics, we’re introducing Workforce Insights for managers to make fast, informed decisions with ease.

    Workforce Insights makes HR information simple to understand and interpret, as well as share and discuss with others, enabling HR specialists and managers to make smarter data-driven decisions.

    Using the powerful Salesforce CRM Analytics platform, this initial release offers dashboards designed with usability in mind, bringing data to life in a way that is visually appealing and easily understood. This information is now more accessible, providing a better way to see and understand your workforce data with well designed, colorful and dynamic dashboards.

    This new feature initially provides 3 pre-built dashboards covering headcount and tenure, performance, and time off, allowing managers to customize views and download data.

    Video overview (opens in a tab)

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    A software release of a new or significantly enhanced feature which includes core functionality but may not meet all needs for ensuring broader customer migration or adoption. The feature is available to all customers in both production and sandbox environments. The purpose is to solicit feedback on the scope and priority of additional enhancements prior to general availability.

  • Workforce eXperience user interface enhancements: GA

    Addressing customer feedback on the new user interface, we have made the following improvements in this release:


    The new Homepage has been enhanced with faster loading times, and more information through the introduction of widgets, ensuring that users have access to a wealth of information in one convenient space. The redesign of the internal comms cards also enhances usability and accessibility for a better overall user experience.

    The upgraded Homepage is displayed by default for all users with this release.


    The navigation experience has been simplified to create a more immersive view, accommodating more content on-screen. Additionally, the search bar now boasts improved field sizes, accommodating longer labels for a seamless browsing experience.

    Following a successful trial, the toggle for the new Navigation has been removed ensuring all customers can benefit from this enhancement.

    Video overview (opens in a new tab)

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    General Availability (GA)

    A software release available to all customers, for deployment into production orgs.

  • Permission Sets

    Customers now have a single place to manage user permissions and access within permission sets, rather than a combination of 2 methods, reducing user dissatisfaction and confusion.

    As Salesforce deprecates permission management within profiles, we are providing a tool to help customers smoothly transition from a profile to the equivalent permission sets.

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  • New Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) service

    An important technical update, launching a new, improved SFTP service. This new service provides greater availability and an improved onboarding experience.

    A customer migration project commences with this release to migrate all existing customer SFTP services to the new service. There is no action needed; your Customer Success Manager will be in touch with you, and will give you plenty of time to prepare for the migration.

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