WX self-service updates

The WX portal has been updated with a new homepage layout which was introduced in an earlier beta release. Release Y24.1 marks the general availability of the new homepage, which is now enabled by default for all customer organizations.

Release Y24.1 introduces the following updates:

Updated WX homepage: general availability

The new homepage for WX is now generally available and is enabled by default as part of release Y24.1.


For a short time, customers can disable the new homepage using the organization-level or policy-level Updated WX Homepage setting. This setting will be removed as part of the Y24.2 release, at which time the legacy homepage will be deprecated.

Annotated screenshot showing the WX home page, navigation menu, and controls

To learn how to enable the new Time off overview and External links components on the updated homepage, see the information in the Y23.4 release notes.

For more information about the new homepage and navigation layout, see Using the self-service portal.

For information about setting up the new homepage for your organization, see Set up the WX homepage.

Legacy navigation removal

The legacy navigation for WX has been deprecated as part of this release and the Updated WX Navigation feature toggle has been removed. As part of this release, all customers will be moved to the updated navigation layout.

In addition, the process pages that have been updated as part of the new My Profile feature (Personal Details, Work Details, and Emergency Contacts) are now only available with the updated interface styling, which features an improved layout and enables inline editing. Additional processes will be updated in future releases.

Interface styling enhancements

As a result of customer feedback from the beta release, we have made a number of styling improvements to the navigation menu and homepage layout. These changes include:

  • Improved menu and sub-menu layout, allowing more items to be displayed in the menu without scrolling

  • Removal of action dots from the navigation menu - pending actions can be accessed from the Actions menu item

  • Cosmetic improvements to the homepage carousel, including removing the white background, optimizing card title spacing, and the ability to view more items in the carousel without paging.

Improved navigation menu layout

Screenshot: updated My Team menu

Improved homepage carousel layout

Screenshot: updated My Team menu

Improved loading experience

This release introduces an improved loading experience for the WX interface, including updated graphics and skeleton components that load elements such as cards and labels smoothly as soon as they become available. This is part of an ongoing effort to improve performance and optimize page loading times.

Resolved issues and enhancements

This release includes a number of resolved issues and enhancements. For detailed information, see Resolved issues.


The new look WX currently has the following limitations:

  • Navigating to the Compensation Planning and Performance Management processes causes a switch to the legacy navigation menu. Select the company logo in top left of the page, or select a different menu item to return to the new menu.

  • You can display up to 20 internal communications in the carousel component.

For a list of current known issues, see Known issues.