Longlist overview

Searching for people to fill vacancies typically starts with a broad field of candidates, progressively filtered to identify the best fit. Sage People now supports a candidate longlist of prospects to fill a vacancy. The longlist is an intermediate stage between initial search results and a candidate shortlist. This feature is integrated with AI Matching.

To display the longlist for an active vacancy:

  1. In Recruit select the Vacancies tab.

  2. On the Vacancies home page select the Vacancy Name.

  3. On the Vacancy page select the Longlist tab:

    Sage People displays the Longlist:

The Longlist indicates candidate status. Default values are:

  • New

  • Contacted

  • Not interested

To customize status values, edit the Status picklist on the Vacancy Longlist object.

You can sort the Longlist by Candidate Name or by Status:

  • Hover on the column heading to display the sort order:

    Select to change the order.

You can also display the Longlist using the link on the Candidate Search page:

To add candidates to the Longlist use the AI Matching search results page or the Candidate Search page.

To remove candidates from the Longlist select the picklist at the right of a candidate row and choose Remove from longlist:

To contact candidates using the email address held for them:

  1. Select one or more candidates using the checkbox at the left of a candidate row to activate the Send Email button:

  2. Select Send Email.

  3. Select the Email Template you want to use.

  4. Select the sender.

  5. Select Send.