Form definitions

Form definitions are used to send various forms to the candidate through the recruitment process. The forms can be used for a wide range of purposes including application forms, case studies, skill tests, questionnaires, equal opportunities, or onboarding. Almost any information can be gathered and passed back to various parts of Recruit and HCM.

Any selection stage can have a Form Definition attached to it. Edit the Selection Stage as part of Configure Selection Process and select the definition in the Send Form field.

If a Form Definition is linked to a selection stage, when an application reaches that stage:

  1. The assessment for that selection stage is created.
  2. A form is created from the form definition.
  3. The form is linked to the assessment, application, or candidate.
  4. The Awaiting Form field on the assessment is set true.
  5. The form is linked to the Form field on the assessment.
  6. The form is activated and the start emails sent.

If you are using a Candidate Portal for the vacancy, the form appears in the list for the candidate to complete. The candidate can select the link presented and complete the form.

When the form is completed and Submit selected:

  1. The Awaiting Form field on the assessment is set false.
  2. The assessment is scored.
  3. If the Auto Reject Score is not met, or if any required criterion is not met, the application is set to reject and the reject email is either sent or queued for sending.
  4. If the Auto Next Stage Score passes or is null the application is moved to the Auto Next Stage.

The Form Definition is typically configured to link to the Assessment. From there it can be pre-populated with data from the assessment, application or candidate, and from the team member if HCM is installed. On form completion, data can also be passed back into those same objects.