Making a vacancy available to recruitment agencies

  1. In Recruit, select the Vacancies tab.

    Recruit displays the Vacancy Home page.

  2. On the Vacancy Home page, select the Vacancy Name for the vacancy you want to make available to recruitment agencies:

    Recruit displays the Vacancy page for the vacancy you have selected.

  3. On the Vacancy page, select Sourcing:

  4. On the Vacancy Sourcing page, scroll down to the Invite Agencies section and check Advertise to Agencies:

    Advertise to Agencies:

    • Makes the vacancy visible on the Agency Portal to all agencies set up to see all open vacancies.
    • Sends an invitation to all agencies set up for automatic invitations. This invites the agencies to submit candidates for this vacancy.

    Beneath the Advertise to Agencies checkbox is a list of the agencies you have set up for manual invitation.

  5. Check the boxes next to the agencies you want to invite to submit candidates for this vacancy:

  6. Select Save.

Recruit sends invitations to submit candidates for this vacancy to the agencies you have selected. The invitation email includes a link to the Agency Portal.