Using confirmation

Confirmation enables your Team Members to confirm when they have read an Internal Communication.

  • The Internal Communication can be hidden when read - that is, when the Team Member has confirmed they have read it - or continue to display until the End Date you have specified.
  • Confirmations are stored in the WX Process Confirmations object, and can be viewed for each Team Member through the WX Process Confirmations Related List, which you can add to the Team Member page layout.
  • You can use the fields in the WX Process Confirmation object in your reports:

    • Confirmation Date
    • Is Confirmed
    • Process Instance
    • Team Member

To use confirmation:

  1. Create the WX Process.

    • In WX Process Type, select Internal Communications.
    • Check Confirm When Read.
    • If you want the Internal Communication to be hidden when the Team Member has confirmed they have read it, check Hide When Read.
  2. Edit the page layout for the Team Member object to add the WX Process Confirmations Related List to the page.