Job Library overview

The Job Library stores data fields associated with defined jobs. Each job is stored in the Job Library as a Job Library Item. Each Job Library Item is an active template, enabling standard values to be set and maintained for Team Members who are assigned to one of the stored jobs. The Job Library typically stores values for:

  • Job Title

  • Grade

  • Salary Band

  • Job Profile

  • Function

You can extend the list of stored values with more fields if you need to apply them consistently to Team Member and Employment records. The Job Library is useful if your organization has a set of predefined jobs; when you assign a job to a Team Member, all fields stored for that job are copied to the Team Member. Any changes you make in the Job Library to values stored for a job are automatically applied to all Team Members linked to that job.

Job Library Items can also be linked to Job Descriptions, enabling automated allocation of linked Job Descriptions when a Team Member changes jobs.