Configuration options


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Configure page options


Policy options

Screenshot: Policy options for Objectives




Checkbox. If checked, the Objectives process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

Require Objectives


If checked, an action is created for the manager and team member if no current objectives exist for a team member.

If not checked, no action is raised if no current objectives exist.

Objectives Review Months

Number. The default number of months between reviews. Sets a date for the first review to this number of months from the start of the company year.

Use Strategic Objectives

Checkbox. If checked, objectives for a team member are linked to organization-wide strategic objectives. A picklist of strategic objectives is shown when creating objectives.

To customize the default picklist values for your organization, go to Go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the Objectives object. Select Fields & Relationships, select the Strategic Objective field and go to the Values related list.

Use Chained Objectives

Checkbox. If checked, team member objectives are linked to a manager's objectives. A Contributes To picklist of the primary manager’s objectives is shown when creating objectives.

Use Objective Weight

Checkbox. If checked, weighting is used as one of the objective attributes. This sets a percentage weight for the objectives. Normally the objectives for a year add up to 100%. A bonus may be given in proportion to this percentage.

If you select Use Objective Weight, do not select Use Objective Priority - use one or the other, not both.

Use Objective Priority

Checkbox. If checked, the priority picklist is used as one of the objective attributes. Options are typically High, Medium, and Low.

If you select Use Objective Priority, do not select Use Objective Weight - use one or the other, not both.

Use Objective Bonus

Checkbox. If checked, a checkbox is displayed to enable performance against objectives to be used as one of the determinants of a bonus.

Use Objective Milestones

Checkbox. If checked, milestones or metrics are used as part of an objective. Metrics can be added to an objective and amended by a team member or a manager. Milestones are measured by percentage complete.

Use Objective Achievement

Checkbox. If checked, a percentage score is used to indicate how much progress a team member has made towards achieving an objective.

Objective Privacy Default

Checkbox. If checked objectives default to being private. The manager or team member can override the default setting.

Disable Activate Without Confirm

Checkbox. If checked, the Activate Without Confirm button is removed from manager draft objectives.

Manager Objective Permissions

Picklist. The options available to a manager. Select from:

  • Edit Draft Only

    Managers can create and edit but not delete draft objectives for their team members.

  • Edit and Delete Draft

    Managers can:

    • Create and edit draft objectives they have created for their team members.

    • Delete draft objectives they have created for their team members if the manager was the last to edit the draft.

  • Edit All

    • Managers can edit draft and active objectives for their team members. Managers cannot delete objectives except those they have created and not yet revealed.

      Edited active objectives revert to draft status.

  • Edit All and Delete Draft

    Managers can:

    • Edit draft and active objectives for their team members.

      Edited active objectives revert to draft status.

    • Delete draft objectives they have created for their team members, if the manager was the last to edit the draft.

  • Edit and Delete All

    Managers can:

    • Edit draft and active objectives for their team members.

      Edited active objectives revert to draft status.

    • Delete draft and active objectives for their team members.

If the picklist does not display the full set of values, you can add them; in summary:

  1. Go to Go to Setup > Object Manager, and select Policy.
  2. Select Fields & Relationships, then select the Manager Objective Permissions Field Label.
  3. In the Values Related List, select New.
  4. Add the missing values exactly as given.

Team Member Objective Permissions

Picklist. The options available to a team member. Select from:

  • Edit Draft Only

    Team members can create and edit but not delete their own draft objectives.

  • Edit and Delete Draft

    Team Members can:

    • Create and edit their own draft objectives.

    • Delete their own draft objectives if the team member was the last to edit the draft.

  • Edit All

    • Team members can edit their own draft and active objectives. Team members cannot delete objectives except those they have created and not yet revealed.

      Edited active objectives revert to draft status.

  • Edit All and Delete Draft

    Team members can:

    • Edit their own draft and active objectives.

      Edited active objectives revert to draft status.

    • Delete their own draft objectives, if the team member was the last to edit the draft.

If the picklist does not display the full set of values, you can add them; in summary:

  1. Go to Go to Setup > Object Manager, and select Policy.
  2. Select Fields & Relationships, and then select the Team Member Objective Permissions Field Label.
  3. In the Values related list, select New.
  4. Add the missing values exactly as given.

Policy Process Dates also apply to the Objectives process:



Year Start Day

Picklist. The business year's first day. Default date for new objectives.

Year Start Month

Picklist. The business year's first month. Default date for new objectives.

Months to New Year Rollover

Number. The number of months before the end of the year when new objectives are assumed to belong to the coming year, not the current one. The end of year date is 12 months after the start of year, defined by Year Start Day and Year Start Month. Affects default dates only.

Values entered for Year Start Day, Year Start Month, and Months to New Year Rollovercontrol the Objectives data displayed when creating a PDF version of Objectives:

Screenshot: Objectives in PDF

Field sets

Field Set


Additional Attributes

Fields added to the field set are added as one of the objective attributes. Added fields appear with weight, priority or is bonus, if any of those are selected in the policy.

Do not attempt to add the Initiator field to the Additional Attributes field set. Initiator is intentionally not available by default in the Field Set - it performs a key role in the Objectives process flow and any attempt to modify it can result in process failure.


To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Objective object

Priority field

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Strategic Objective field

  • Financial

  • People and Processes

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Research and Development

  • Operations

Progress field

  • Ongoing: Above Track

  • Ongoing: On Track

  • Ongoing: Below Track

  • Closed: Exceeded

  • Closed: Achieved

  • Closed: Not Achieved

  • Closed: Cancelled

Values must retain the Closed: and Ongoing: prefixes. Ideally, do not edit Progress picklist default values.

Objective Approval History object

Commenters Role field

  • Manager

  • Team Member

Objective Review object

Reviewer Type field

  • Self

  • Manager

  • Collaborator

  • Other

Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Milestone object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Long Text Area (32000)

End Date



Master-Detail (Objective)


Percent (3,0)

Start Date



Long Text Area (32000)


Objective object (HCM)

Default Field label

Field Type


Percent (3,0)


Formula (Text)

Action Date

Formula (Date)

Approved Date


Bonus Score

Formula (Number)



Collaborative Objective

Lookup (Collaborative Objective)

Confirmed Date


Contributes To

Lookup (Objective)


Long Text Area (32000)

End Date



Text (30)

Is Private


Last Team Member Review Date


Manager Action

Formula (Text)

Manager Action Date

Formula (Date)

Manager Comments

Text Area (255)


Long Text Area (32000)

Next Review Date






Required For Bonus



Number (3,0)

Start Date



Formula (Text)

Strategic Objective


Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)

Team Member Action

Formula (Text)

Team Member Action Date

Formula (Date)

Team Member Comments

Text Area (255)


Percent (3,0)


Long Text Area (32000)


Objective Approval History object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Long Text Area (32768)

Comment Date



Lookup (Team Member)

Commenters Role



Master-Detail (Objective)


Text (40)


Objective Review object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Long Text Area (32768)


Master-Detail (Objective)

Review Date



Lookup (Team Member)

Reviewer Type


Record types

Record types for the Objective object: 

  • New

  • Manager Prepare

  • Manager Draft

  • Team Member Prepare

  • Team Member Draft

  • Rejected Draft

  • Active

  • Closed

Action events


When sent


When an objective is approved by a manager.


When an objective is closed by a manager.


When an objective is confirmed by a team member.

Delete When an objective is deleted.


When an objective is edited by a team member or manager.


When an objective is set without confirmation by a manager.


When an objective is created by a team member or manager.


When a draft objective is rejected.


When a draft objective is revealed by the team member or manager.


When an objective is reviewed by a team member or manager and not closed.

Review Date When an objective review date is today. The trigger date can be offset* from the Review Date.
* Action Events can use these dates to calculate a trigger date by applying an offset. Offsets can be in days or months and can be positive (after the date), negative (before the date) or zero (on the date).


  • Manager and Team Member: Add New. Appears when:

    • Objectives process is active.
    • No Objectives exist with today between the start date and end date.
  • Manager: Approve or Edit. Appears when:

    Objective status is Team Member Draft (has been edited by team member)

  • Team Member: Confirm or Edit. Appears when:

    Objective status is Manager Draft (has been edited by manager)

  • Team Member and Manager: Review. Appears when:

    • Objective status is Active.
    • Objective Next Review Date is on or before today.

Field tracking

Field Tracking is normally enabled, tracking progress, manager comments, team member comments, and next review date.