Recognition overview

Recognition—also known as Shout Outs, Badging, Crowdsourced Performance Review—enables you to use social performance management across your organization, giving all Team Members the ability to give visible and immediate positive feedback awards to others.

Awards are given by you to another Team Member, in recognition of a particular achievement, task well done, outstanding contribution to a team effort, and so on. You cannot use Recognition to award yourself.

Recognition awards cannot be deleted by an HR Manager.

Recognition is enabled by Policy and linked to a Job Profile. The Job Profile provides the list of values or competencies you want to use for Recognition and must be provided for Recognition to work:

  • In an org with more than one Policy you can roll out the process group by group.
  • You can use an existing Job Profile or set up a Job Profile just for use with Recognition. A dedicated Profile can have all the competencies you need, which might not be practical with an existing Job Profile.

There are two steps to setting up and using Recognition:

  1. Switch Recognition on in the Policy or Policies you want to use.

    The Policy also has settings for:

    • The Job Profile you want to use. A Job Profile must be specified.
    • Maximum numbers per Team Member per month for giving and receiving Recognition.
  2. Select a WX Service and create a Recognition Process, selecting Recognition as the WX Process Type.