WX Translations | Create a static resource file

Role: HR Administrator

This step is only required if you are using translations for WX Process names and service page titles and subtitles. If you are only using translations for WX Service names, go straight to WX Translations | Apply your translations.

  1. Use a text editor to create a plain text file holding all the Master Label Names, one per line. (For help finding the Master Label names, see WX Translations | Create a static resource file.)

    Ensure that:

    • Each Name is exactly as specified on the Custom Label Detail page. WX uses the Name as the key to map the translations for display.
    • The text file has one Master Label name per line.
    • The text file contains no blank lines. Blank lines can cause errors when the labels are loaded in WX.

    Use a single text file for all the Custom Labels for translatable WX Process Labels.


    A mistake in the text file is a common source of problems in displaying label names in WX. Make sure:

    • Every name in the text file is exactly the same as the Custom Label Name.
    • There are no names in the file without matching Custom Label Names.
    • There are no Custom Labels without matching entries in the text file.
    • The text file contains one line for each Custom Label Name, and each line holds just one Name.
    • The text file contains no blank lines.

    If labels fail to display in WX:

    • Check your text file and correct any errors.
    • Reload the corrected file to the Static Resource as described.
  2. Save the file with a meaningful name, for example:


  3. Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter Static Resources. Open the Custom Code> Static Resources page.

  4. Select New.

    Sage People displays the Static Resource Edit page.

  5. Complete the fields as follows:

    Table What to enter

    A name for the Static Resource. Use a name to help you identify the file easily, such as:


    You cannot use spaces in the Name field.


    Optional. A brief description of the purpose of the Static Resource, such as:

    Text file with Custom Label API keys for WX Service and Process name translations.

    File Select Choose File, find and select the text file you created earlier.
    Cache Control Picklist. Select Private.
  6. Select Save.

    Sage People adds the new Static Resource to your org.

    Note If you try uploading a text file that is already open in a text editor, the file may fail to upload correctly. Close the file editor before uploading, and check the file content has successfully uploaded using the View file option on the Static Resource Detail page.

Next: WX Translations | Create and deploy Apex classes