Selected reference fields

This table lists fields commonly used in formulas and as merge fields to return values. They can be used widely in Sage People, for example in Action Events and in PDF files generated by the PDF Template Generator.

Fields are listed in alphabetical order within object. What to enter shows the complete syntax to enter when using each field from the given object.

  • If you are using the field reference outside a formula, use What to enter exactly as shown.

  • If you are using the field reference in a formula:

    • Remove the opening and closing curly braces.

    • Remove the exclamation mark.

Accessing fields from the Employment Record

Field What to enter
Basis {!fHCM__Basis__c}
Continuous Service Date {!fHCM2__Continuous_Service_Date__c}
Contract End Date {!fHCM2__Contract_End_Date__c}
Current Salary {!fHCM2__Current_Salary__r.fHCM2__Amount__c}
Employment End {!fHCM2__End_Date__c}
Employment Last Working Date {!fHCM2__Last_Working_Date__c}
Employment Start Date {!fHCM2__Start_Date__c}
First Name {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__First_Name__c}
Hire Date {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Hire_Date__c}
Home Address 1 {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Home_Address_1__c}
Home Address 2 {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Home_Address_2__c}
Home Address 3 {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Home_Address_3__c}
Home Address City {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Home_Address_City__c}
Home Address Country {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Home_Address_Country__c}
Home Address Zipcode/Postal Code {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Home_Address_Postal_Code_c}
Job Title {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Job_Title__c}
Manager {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Manager__c}
Salary Period {!fHCM2__Current_Salary__r.fHCM2__Period__c}
Salary Start Date {!fHCM2__Current_Salary__r.fHCM2__Start_Date__c}
Surname/Family Name {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Surname__c}
Team {!fHCM2__Team_Member__r.fHCM2__Team__c}


Accessing fields from the Team Member record

Field What to enter
Basis {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM__Basis__c}
Continuous Service Date {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM2__Continuous_Service_Date__c}
Contract End Date {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM2__Contract_End_Date__c}
Current Salary {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM2__Current_Salary__r.fHCM2__Amount__c}
Employment End {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM2__End_Date__c}
Employment Last Working Date {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM2__Last_Working_Date__c}
Employment Start Date {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM2__Start_Date__c}
First Name {!fHCM2__First_Name__c}
Hire Date {!fHCM2__Hire_Date__c}
Home Address 1 {!fHCM2__Home_Address_1__c}
Home Address 2 {!fHCM2__Home_Address_2__c}
Home Address 3 {!fHCM2__Home_Address_3__c}
Home Address City {!fHCM2__Home_Address_City__c
Home Address Country {!fHCM2__Home_Address_Country__c}
Home Address Zipcode/Postal Code {!fHCM2__Home_Address_Postal_Code_c}
Job Title {!fHCM2__Job_Title__c}
Manager {!fHCM2__Manager__c}
Salary Period {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM2__Current_Salary__r.fHCM2__Period__c}
Salary Start Date {!fHCM2__Current_Employment__r.fHCM2__Current_Salary__r.fHCM2__Start_Date__c}
Surname/Family Name {!fHCM2__Surname__c}
Team {!fHCM2__Team__c}


This table includes a small proportion of all available fields. For a complete list of Sage People objects and fields, together with API Names and other details:

  • Go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the object, and then select Fields & Relationships to display the fields for that object.