Customizing approval processes
Sage People processes which can use Salesforce approval processes include:
Employment change requests
Job offers (using the Application object)
Manager notes
Performance reviews (for approving manager reviews)
Other Sage People processes, such as time off requests, timesheets, and skills, use their own in-built approval processes.
Before editing an approval process, deactivate it to stop it from being used while you are editing.
To deactivate an approval process:
Go to Setup > Process Automation > Approval Processes
In Manage Approval Processes For: select the picklist and choose the object hosting the approval process.
Sage People displays the related lists of Active and Inactive Approval Processes for the object you selected.
In the list of Active Approval Processes select Deactivate against the process you want to edit:
Sage Peoplemoves the process from the Active list to the Inactive list. You are now clear to edit the process.
Editing an approval process is described in the following sections:
Section |
What it covers |
Follow the procedures you need to customize the parts of the approval process you want to change.