How to use AI Matching

AI Matching searches candidate resumes held in your org and compares them to the requirements of a vacancy as defined by the vacancy job description. When Recruit is installed, a post-install script runs automatically and processes all resumes added to your org in the last 18 months - these resumes are used by AI Matching.

Any resumes already parsed by Sovren resume parsing through Recruit must be re-parsed by the AI Matching process. After enabling AI Matching all newly added resumes are automatically parsed.

You can start a candidate search using AI Matching from a Vacancy page:

  1. In Recruit select the Vacancies tab.

  2. On the Vacancies home page select the Vacancy Name.

  3. On the Vacancy Details tab select Edit.

  4. On the Vacancy Details page scroll down to the Job Description section and ensure the Description and Key Responsibilities fields are populated.

    If the Description and Key Responsibilities fields are not displayed on the Vacancy Detail page ensure they are present in the Job Description field set on the Vacancy object.

    AI Matching uses the content of these two fields to create a Job Order for processing by the Sovren AI Matching engine. The Job Order identifies the key requirements of the role and forms the basis for candidate evaluation. If the fields are not populated AI Matching fails and displays an error message.

  5. Make any changes you need and select Save.

  6. On the Vacancy page select Search with AI:

    Screenshot of selecting 'Search with AI'

    The search runs and returns initial results:

    Screenshot of Search with AI configuration

Results are anonymized; candidate identities are revealed when you add a candidate to the Longlist.

To view an anonymized resume and the associated analysis:

  • On the Search with AI results page select View Resume:

    Screenshot of selecting 'View Resume'

    Sage People displays the resume:

    Screenshot of the resume

Refining your search

To modify the filters applied to a search:

  • On the Search with AI results page select Filter These Results:

    Screenshot: Selecting 'Filter these Results'

    Sage People displays your filter options:

    Screenshot: Filter option display

To view a Job Order:

  1. On the Search with AI results page select View Source Job:

    Screenshot: Selecting 'View Source Job'

    Sage People displays:

    • The source text content of the vacancy Description and Key Responsibilities fields.

    • The name of the employer

    • The extracted skills required by the role.

    Screenshot: Sage People detail display

  2. Select the tabs to display the details extracted from the source content defining the job, employer, and required skills.