Candidate search overview

You can search all candidate records held on your system for people matching current or planned requirements using a wide range of criteria, singly or in combination:

Criteria Library item

Text matches with full or partial
field contents across

  • Competency
  • Skill
  • Experience
  • Knowledge
  • Qualification
  • Other item
  • Candidates
  • Applications
  • Resumes
  • Job History

You can focus the search on existing candidates applying in the last, specified number of months, and broaden the search to use Google search on LinkedIn profiles.

You can also add criteria to be excluded from a search once you have search results.

Starting a search from Displays

The Candidate Searches Tab.

Search fields are left blank to enable you to build a search from scratch.

A Vacancy.

Search fields are populated with the requirements of the Vacancy and an initial search executed for candidates matching those requirements.

A Criteria Library item detail page.

An initial search is executed for candidates with that competency, skill, experience, knowledge, qualification, or other criteria item.

The Candidates List view.

From the Candidates Home page select any list View and then select Search.

Search fields are left blank to enable you to build a search from scratch.

Search results are displayed on the same page as your search criteria for easy cross reference and search criteria refinement. Results include:

  • All identified candidates scored and ranked, with those most closely matching the search criteria at the top of the list.
  • An inline summary view of candidates, showing:

    • Matched criteria highlighted.
    • CV/resume summary and extracts.
    • All applications made by the candidate with assessments.

    Change the summary to show the Candidate of your choice.

  • Links to the detailed Candidate record.

All Candidate Searches can be saved with a name and description for later re-use and refinement. You can access saved searches from the Candidate Searches Home page.