Application assessment overview

When a candidate applies for a vacancy their application goes through the series of selection stages defined for the vacancy. At each stage their suitability for the vacancy is assessed using the set of selection criteria chosen to match the requirements of the vacancy. The result of each stage assessment determines what happens next to the candidate's application. Assessments can be automated or manual.

Assessments are displayed in a table that expands to include each selection stage as it is reached. Select Assess Current Stage to make the current assessment, and to add a new column to the table. The table shows:

  • Type

    The type of criteria assessed.

  • Name

    The name of the criterion assessed.

  • Required

    Whether the criterion is required by candidates.

  • Completed Selection Stages

    A rating indicator and score for each completed selection stage. The indicators are:


    Fully Meets

    Just Meets

    Partly Meets

    Not Met

    Select the selection stage name to see details of that assessment. The bottom of each selection stage shows:

    Field Description


    The total score for that assessment stage, including any weighting given to criteria. Broadly, the higher the score the better the candidate.

    Weighted Average

    The average score of each criterion, including weighting. Use this in preference to the total score if different criteria are assessed by each candidate at each stage.


    What the assessor decided was the outcome of the assessment stage.

Full scoring methods are covered in shortlisting.