Inviting Sub-Assessors

A Sub-Assessor is someone you, as Hiring Manager, want to contribute to a stage of the candidate assessment process, typically a candidate interview. The Sub-Assessor does not have to be a Hiring Manager themselves. For the duration of the assessment stage, the Sub-Assessor is granted read access to the details of the Vacancy, Application, and Candidate, and write access to the assessment form they need to complete.

To invite a Sub-Assessor:

  1. On the Hiring Manager Detail View select + for the Vacancy:

    Screenshot: Selecting + to view Vacancy details

  2. On the detail view for the Vacancy, select the Active Applications tab:

    Screenshot: Selecting the Active Applications tab for a Vacancy

  3. For the Application you want, select the Application Number:

    Screenshot: Selecting an Application Number

    WX displays a read only version of the Application Detail page:

    Screenshot: A read only view of an application

  4. Select Assign Interviewers:

    Screenshot: Selecting Assign Interviewers button

    WX displays the Interviewer Assessment page:

    Screenshot: Interviewer Assessment page

  5. Select Use Lookup:

    Screenshot: Selecting Use Lookup to assign an interviewer

  6. WX displays the User Lookup dialog:

    Screenshot: Salesforce User lookup dialog

  7. Select the interviewer you want for this Application.

  8. Select Save on the Interviewer Assessment page.

The interviewer receives an Action and an email, inviting them to attend the Candidate interview.