Performance Overview | Troubleshooting

Page loading issues in WX

Several standard fields in the Performance Review and Self Performance Review objects are of the Text Area (Long) data type, with the maximum length set to 32,000 or 32,768 characters. Adding multiple custom fields with this data type to address company specific requirements can lead to issues causing the Performance Overview not to load in WX. Review the maximum length defined for each long text area field and consider reducing the maximum character count. When you change the length of a field in use, Salesforce checks any existing values in records with the field and warns you if the value is larger than the field size you are trying to change it to.

Do not use the maximum length available (131,072) for long area text fields, and consider using a length less than the default value (32,768). Setting the maximum to 5000 characters of fewer is sufficient in most cases.

"Post operation data failed" error after user action in WX

The "Post operation data failed" error after a user selects Save draft, for example, is related to the user's session timing out. Refresh WX to continue. Unsaved changes may be lost.