
Sage People Payflow is a multi-purpose solution for managing data flows between Sage People and other systems, typically for data related to payroll, compensation, and benefits.

Payflow provides the link between Sage People and other systems including:

  • Payroll agencies
  • Benefit providers
  • Other HR and ERP systems.

Data can be sent from Payflow to other systems, driving payroll and benefits from the single source of information held in Sage People. Automation schedules enable the control of outbound data flows without the need for manual intervention.

Data can also be received from external systems via Payflow into Sage People, enabling Sage People to shadow the data content of the external system and allowing team members to view their payslips in WX. Payflow is also used as the engine enabling benefit selection, typically to support Open Enrollment.

Payflow can be used within a single country installation to link different systems, ensuring that data is regularly passed between them. Payflow can also be used within installations spanning multiple countries or business units to enable consolidation of information into a single source.