File Upload

The file upload configuration for your Payflow service is used to define the field mapping and settings for the inbound upload file that will be received from the external system.

You can use the Payflow upload configuration to:

  • Retrieve an uploaded file from the Sage People SFTP service, received from any external payroll, benefit provider, or training provider system that can send a data file.
  • Manage the transfer of the data file from the source system to Sage People, enabling Payflow to shadow changes made in the external system.
  • Read data from a supplied CSV or fixed record length file.
  • Translate data formats and coding schemes into the required format for upload into Sage People.
  • Process time-limited or changed data, excluding data that has not changed. For example:

    • Data for new or returning employees.
    • Changed salaries.
    • Detect missing data for employees who have terminated.
  • You can use the Payflow upload process to:
    • Import data into Sage People.

    • Contribute data to a Payflow Batch.

    • Import data into Sage People AND contribute data to a Payflow Batch: