Configure Payslips

The Payslips process requires a dedicated upload Payflow Service to extract data from an SFTP import that is used to populate the Payroll Line object. Data from the Payroll Line object is then used for display in WX and the HR Manager Portal. The Payflow Service is triggered when all files have been received by the FTP site.

In summary:

  1. Set up the Payroll Lines object to hold the fields you want to display.
  2. Set up the Payflow service.
  3. Define the Upload File specification.
  4. Map the fields in the uploaded CSV file to Payflow Lines.

    You must add mapping for all fields in the upload CSV file you want to use in Sage People:

  5. Map the fields you want to display in WX and the HR Manager portal from Payflow Lines to HCM.
