Set up a Payflow service for Payslips

  1. On the Payflow Services Home page, select New to create a dedicated Payflow Service for Payslips.
  2. Complete the fields as follows:



    Payflow Service Name

    A name for the service. Payflow Service Name is used on the Payflow Services Home page and to identify the originating service for batches.

    Create Change Log

    Checkbox. If checked, Payflow logs the changes identified by the service each time a batch runs. The log file is linked to the batch in the Files Related List, and in the Notes & Attachments Related List if you have them both displayed on the Batch page layout.

    Typically checked for a Payflow Service supporting Payslips.

    Send Reports To

    The name of the Sage People user to receive download reports. Use Lookup if necessary.

    Delete Batch After Days

    Not displayed by default. You can add to the page layout through Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects > Payflow Service > Page Layouts.

    Number of days after which Payflow batches are deleted.

    For example, if set to 0 all previous batches for this service are deleted after the current one has run; only the latest batch is kept. If set to 7 all batches for this service over a week old are deleted.

    Useful for constraining the amount of data held, and particularly valuable for managing changes only download data which can accumulate quickly.

    For a Payflow Service supporting Payslips, the value also depends on the data contained in the batch. Bear in mind the data is displayed to employees and HR Managers in support of payslips and is not necessarily the data contained in the payslip itself.

    Delete Payroll Lines With Batch

    Not displayed by default. You can add to the page layout through Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects > Payflow Service > Page Layouts.

    Checkbox. If checked, Payroll Lines linked to a batch are deleted when the batch is deleted. If not checked, deleting a batch does not delete associated Payroll Lines.

    For a Payflow Service supporting Payslips, leave unchecked to ensure Payroll Lines containing payslip data is not deleted.

    Delete Changes Retaining Batch

    Not displayed by default. You can add to the page layout through Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects > Payflow Service > Page Layouts.

    Checkbox. If checked, when deleting old batches the change history is deleted but the batch output files are retained.

    Useful in reducing space-consuming history data without deleting output data.

  3. Select Save.

    Sage People saves the Payflow Service and displays the Home page.