Payflow tabs

Tab Displays
Benefit Sets

A list of the groups of benefits defined for specific uses in your organization. For example, you may have a benefit set available for new hires, one for open enrollment, and one for senior management.

You can change views, open, edit and delete existing benefit sets, and create a new set from here.

Open a benefit set to edit the set, or clone a set to act as the basis of a new one. Each benefit set page also displays the benefit types that comprise the set, and enables you to drill down to display the benefit options, suppliers, and plan names comprising the benefit type. You can also add a new benefit type from a benefit set page.

Benefit Suppliers

A list of the benefit suppliers set up on your Sage People system.

You can change views, open, edit and delete existing suppliers, and set up a new benefit supplier from here.

Open a benefit supplier to edit supplier detail, or clone a supplier to act as the basis of a new one. Each benefit supplier page also displays the benefit plans offered by the supplier to your organization, and enables you to drill down to display the details of each plan. You can also add a new benefit plan offered by a supplier from a benefit supplier page.

Payflow Services

A list of the services configured for use on your Payflow system.

You can change views, open, edit and delete existing services, and set up a new service from here.

Opening a service displays the Payflow Console for that service, with a summary of service configuration and the batches associated with it. You can select a batch and drill down into the detail.The Payflow Console also enables you to change service configuration, upload or download Payflow files, or delete the Service.