Deprecated Absences process

As previously announced, the Absences process in WX and the absence calculator related to it have been deprecated and replaced by the Time Off WX process and the Time Off calculator.

Sage People Y22.2 release removes the Absences process, the Absence calculator, and the ways to access them. In summary: 

  • Absences is no longer available as a WX process type

  • In the HCM package configuration page, Features section, Time Off Calculator and Time Off Calculator for Payflow are enabled by default and cannot be disabled

  • The button text for buttons related to the absence calculator has been changed to Deprecated. If you select any of these buttons, Sage People displays a page with a message advising you these buttons have been deprecated. If you have not done it already, remove these buttons from your page layouts. The deprecated buttons are the following: 

    • Absence Calculator button on the Absences Related List on an Employment Record

    • Comparison button on the Absences Related List on an Employment Record

    • Create Accruals button on the Absence Accrual Rule page

Absence Balance object and the Hold Absence Balances Batch job are still available but will be deprecated in a future release in favor of the Accrual Balance object and the Generate Accrual Balances batch job.