Field Set renaming

A number of Field Sets in the Team Member and Employment Record object have been renamed to make it clearer where the fields in the Field Set are used. Alongside, some Field Set descriptions in the HR Manager portal have been updated. The renaming applies to the Field Label of the Field Sets, the API Names remain unchanged.

  Team Member object
Old name New name
Bonus Planning

WX Legacy Bonus Planning

Combo Fields

Text Fields To Combo Box

Contact Details

WX People Bar Contact Details


Edit Details

Fairsail Details

Deprecated Fairsail Details

HR Details

WX HR Request

Org Chart Contact Details WX Org Chart Contact Details

Organization Tab Table

Performance Overview Details WX Performance Overview Details Section
Personal Details WX Personal Details Edit
Personal Details Action Email WX Personal Details Action Event Trigger
Personal Details Gated WX Personal Details Gated
Personal Details Tile WX Personal Details Tile
Personal Details View WX Personal Details View
Picklist Fields

Text Fields To Picklists

Printable OrgChart Details WX Org Chart Printable
Salary Planning

WX Legacy Salary Planning

Salary Planning Team

WX Legacy Salary Planning Team View

Summary Birthdays WX Summary Birthdays
Summary New Hires WX Summary New Hires
Talent Plan 9 Box Grid Details WX Talent 9 Box Grid Details
Team Member Find WX People Search Filters
Team Member Page

Deprecated Team Member Page

Team Member Table Details WX Team View Employment Details
Team Member Table Employment Details WX Manager View Employment Details Tile
Team Member Table Full Details WX Manager View Employment Full Details
Team Member Table Performance Details

Deprecated Team Member Table Performance Details

Team Member Table Salary Details

Deprecated Team Member Table Salary Details


Terminate Details


Turnover Report Grouping

User Synchronization

Synchronize with User

Work Details WX Work Details Edit
Work Details Tile WX Work Details Tile
Work Details View WX Work Details View


  Employment Record object
Old name New name
Combo Fields Text Fields To Combo Box
Details Edit Details
Excluded Search Fields Exclude Search Fields
HR Request WX HR Request
New Hire Benefits New Hire Process Benefits Tab
New Hire Salary New Hire Process Salary Tab
Personal Details WX Personal Details Edit
Personal Details Action Email Personal Details Action Email When Changed
Personal Details Gated WX Personal Details Gated
Personal Details View WX Personal Details Read Only
Picklists Text Fields To Picklists
Recruit Copy Copy Fields from Recruit
Terminate Terminate Details
Work Location Work Location Library


For more information, see:

Updated translations to Sage People supported languages for the updated Field Set names will be available in a future release.