Field Sets: Team Member

Team Member object
Field Set Purpose

Deprecated Fairsail Details

Not used.

Deprecated Team Member Page

Not used

Deprecated Team Member Table Performance Details

Not used

Deprecated Team Member Table Salary Details

Not used

Edit Details

Fields displayed in the HR Manager's Portal on the Team Member Edit Details page, Team Member Details section.

Displayed from the Team Members tab: select Team Member, select Edit.

Screenshot: Fields in the Edit Details Field Set on the Team Member page when editing the Team Member Details section

Employee API Additional Fields Fields available as additional fields for the Sage People Employee API.
Job Change

Fields displayed in the HR Manager's Portal on the Team Member Job Change page, Team Member Details Section.

Displayed from the Team Members tab: select Team Member, select Change Position.

Screenshot: Fields included in the field set highlighted on a Team Member Job Change page

New Hire

Fields displayed in the HR Manager's Portal on the Team Member New Hire page, Team Member Details section.

Displayed from the Team Members tab: select New.

Screenshot: Some of the fields included in the field set highlighted on a Team Member New Hire page

Organization Tab Table

Fields available for editing on the Organization tab in the HR Manager portal.

Synchronize with User

Fields copied to the User when the matched Team Member field changes.

Terminate Details

Fields displayed in the HR Manager's Portal on the Team Member Terminate page, Team Member Details section.

Displayed from the Team Members tab: select Team Member, select Terminate.

Text Fields To Combo Box

Text fields displayed in the HR Manager's Portal with combo box functionality: as text is entered in a field, text previously entered in that field containing matching characters is displayed and can be selected to enable rapid and consistent field completion.

To control which users can have text they enter added to the combo field database for the use of other users, use the Closed ComboBox checkbox on the User record.

To force Combo Fields to display as simple picklists for users with Closed ComboBox functionality, add the fields to the Text Fields to Picklists Field Set.

Text Fields To Picklists

Text fields displayed in the HR Manager's Portal with picklist functionality. Picklist Fields also in the Text Fields To Combo Box Field Set behave as Combo Fields (not as picklists) unless the User has the Closed ComboBox checkbox checked in the User record.

Turnover Report Grouping

Fields used for grouping data on the turnover report.

WX HR Request

Fields displayed to a manager in the legacy WX Employment Details Changes (HR Request) Detail view:

Screenshot: Fields in the WX HR Request Field Set on an Employment Details Change request (HR Request)

Not used in People Management Workflow.

WX Legacy Bonus Planning

Fields displayed in WX Bonus Plan view for direct reports. Displayed through the Compensation Plan detail view.

Fields in the Field Set are in addition to those displayed by default:

  • Months Since Last Paid Bonus

  • Last Paid Bonus (value)

  • Suggested (amount and percentage)

  • Proposed (amount and percentage)

  • Effective Date

  • Rationale

WX Legacy Salary Planning

Fields displayed in the legacy WX Salary Plan view, Direct Reports section, for each team member.

Screenshot: Fields in the field set highlighted on the legacy Salary Plan in WX

WX Legacy Salary Planning Team View

Fields displayed on the team salary planning table
WX Manager View Employment Details Tile

Not used.

WX Manager View Employment Full Details

Fields displayed in the manager's view of an individual Team Member's Employment Details, Detail View:

Screenshot: Fields in the WX Manager View Employment Full Details Field Set

WX Org Chart Contact Details

Fields displayed for each Team Member's contact details in the WX Organization Chart.

Screenshot: Fields included in the field set highlighted in WX Org Chart

WX Org Chart Printable Fields displayed on the printed version of the WX Organization Chart.

WX People Bar Contact Details

Contact information fields displayed in the Sage People WX people search.

Screenshot: Fields included in the field set highlighted in WX People search

WX People Search Filters Fields searched by People Search in WX. Also used for other Team Member searches, including Competency Assessment Add From Organization.
WX Performance Overview Details Section Fields displayed in the Details section in the Performance Overview process in WX.
WX Personal Details Action Event Trigger

Fields from the Team Member: Personal Details field set used to trigger an Action Event if they are changed by the Team Member.

The Action Event template must be based on the Team Member object.

WX Personal Details Edit Fields displayed in the WX Personal Details Edit Detail View.
WX Personal Details Gated

Additional fields displayed in the WX Personal Details Edit Detail View. These fields can be entered once, if blank, by the team member. Once entered, the fields are viewable but cannot be edited; they are "gated".

Gating is controlled by policy option Gate Primary Team Member Fields.

Screenshot: Fields from WX Personal Details Edit and WX Personal Details Gated Field Sets on a Personal Details edit page in WX

WX Personal Details Tile

Not used.

WX Personal Details View

Fields displayed as read only in the WX Personal Details Detail View.

Screenshot: Fields from the WX Personal Details View Field Set in the Personal Details process in WX

WX Summary Birthdays

Fields displayed in the WX Summary Process Detail view for Birthdays.

Screenshot: Fields in the WX Summary Birthdays Field Set

WX Summary New Hires

Fields displayed in the WX Summary Process Detail view for New Hires.

Screenshot: Fields in the WX Summary New Hires Field Set

WX Talent 9 Box Grid Details Fields displayed on hover over Team Member image on Talent Plan 9 Box Grid view. Use touch on mobile to display the fields.
WX Team View Employment Details

Fields displayed in the manager's Team View of Employment Details, Detail View:

Screenshot: Fields in the WX Team View Employment Details Field Set

WX Work Details Edit

Fields displayed in the WX Work Details Edit view:

Screenshot: Fields in the WX Work Details Edit Field Set

WX Work Details Tile

Not used.

WX Work Details View

Fields displayed in the WX Work Details Detail View:

Screenshot: Fields in the WX Work Details View Field Set