Object fields: Team Member

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Team Member object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
Age   Formula (Number)
Birth Date   Date
Business   Text (128)
Citizenship   Picklist
Country   Text (128)
Current Birthday   Formula (Date)
Current Competency Assessment   Lookup (Competency Assessment)
Current Employment   Lookup (Employment Record)
Current Job Description   Lookup (Job Description)
Current Performance Review   Lookup (Performance Review)
Current Talent Plan   Lookup (Talent Plan)
Days Since Left   Formula (Number)
Department HR Department Lookup (HR Department)
Direct Reports   Number (18,0)
Division   Text (255)
Email   Email
Employment Status   Picklist
Extension   Text (8)
Fax   Text (32)
Federation Id   Long Text Area (512)
First Name   Text (80)
Four-Up Manager   Formula (Text)
Function   Text (128)
Gender   Picklist
Grade   Picklist
Has Left   Formula (Text)
He/She   Formula (Text)
Him/Her   Formula (Text)
Hire Date   Date
Home Address 1   Text (255)
Home Address 2   Text (255)
Home Address 3   Text (255)
Home Address City   Text (128)
Home Address Country   Text (128)
Home Address Region Home Address State/County Text (128)
Home Address Zipcode Home Address Zip/Post Code Text (16)
Home Email   Email
Home Phone   Phone
Icon   Formula (Text)
IM   URL (255)
Is Manager   Checkbox
Is On Leave   Formula (Text)
Job Effective Date   Date
Job Profile   Lookup (Job Profile)
Job Title   Text (255)
Last Reset Date   Date/Time
Level Down   Formula (Number)
Location   Text (255)
Manager   Lookup (Team Member)
Manager User   Lookup (User)
Marital Status   Picklist
Middle Name   Text (80)
Mobile   Text (32)
Mobility   Text Area (255)
Name Full   Formula (Text)
Name Reserved   Formula (Text)
Next Birthday Birthday Formula (Date)
Next Competency Assessment Date   Date
Next Development Needs Date   Date
Next Job Description Date   Date
Next Metrics Review Date   Date
Next Performance Review Date   Date
Next Skills Date   Date
Next Successors Date   Date
Next Talent Plan Date   Date
Personal Mobile   Phone
Personnel Number   Text (64)
Phone   Text (32)
Picture   Text (16)
Picture URL Picture Formula (Text)
Policy Policy Override Lookup (Policy)
Policy Group   Formula (Text)
Portrait   Formula (Text)
Preferred Name   Text (80)
Receive Actions Digest   Checkbox
Report Line   Formula (Text)
Salesforce Access HR Portal Access Checkbox
Social Security Number SSN/NI Number Text (32)
Surname   Text (80)
Team   Text (255)
Three-Up Manager   Formula (Text)
Thumbnail   Formula (Text)
tmpPassword   Text (50)
Trigger Competency Assessment   Checkbox
Trigger Performance Review   Checkbox
Two-Up Manager   Formula (Text)
Unique Id   Text (64) (External Id) (Unique Case Insensitive)
User   Lookup (User)
User Profile   Text (80)
Username   Text (80)
Vacation Allowance Per Year   Formula (Number)
Years Employment   Formula (Number)


Team Member Picture object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)