Core data fields: Team Member object

Label Type Description
Birth Date Date Date of birth
Business Text Business unit
Citizenship Picklist Citizenship of the team member
Country Text Country the employee is based in
HR Department Lookup The HR Department to which this team member belongs. This sets the HR Manager and Policy applying to this team member.
Division Text Business division
Email Email Email address of the team member
Employment Status Picklist Status of employment
Fax Text Work tax number
Federation Id Text Single sign on federation id
First Name Text First name of this team member
Function Text Job function
Gender Picklist Male or Female
Grade Picklist The grade the team member has in the organization
Home Address 1 Text Where the employee lives
Home Address 2 Text Where the employee lives
Home Address 3 Text Where the employee lives
Home Address City Text Where the employee lives
Home Address Country Text Where the employee lives
Home Address Postal Code Text

Where the employee lives

Home Address Region Text Where the employee lives
Home Email Email Personal email address
Home Phone Phone Personal phone number
IM Url Link to instant messaging for this person
Job Title Text Job title (on business card)
Location Text Normal work office/location
Manager Lookup The current primary manager of the team member
Marital Status Picklist Marital statuses depend on the country
Middle Name Text Middle name
Mobile Text Work mobile phone number
Personal Mobile Phone Personal mobile number
Personnel Number Text The employee personnel/payroll number. This may change and does not need to be unique.

(Policy Override)

Lookup Used to assign the Team Member to a specific Policy, overriding the Policy linked to the HR Department assigned to the Team Member. Typically used to grant temporary access to a subset of self service processes, for example those available to a pre-boarder.
Extension Text Work phone extension
Phone Text Direct-dial phone number
Preferred Name Text Used as a preference for First Name
Social Security Number Text Social or national insurance number
Surname Text Surname/Last Name of this team member
Team Text Business team or department
Unique Id Text A unique identifier for this person that will not change