Object fields: Salary

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Salary object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type



Amount Currency (16,2)
Amount Above Band Reporting Formula (Currency)
Amount Below Band Reporting Formula (Currency)
Amount Reporting Currency (16,2)
Annual Amount Formula (Currency)
Annual Amount Reporting Formula (Currency)
Annual Multiplier Number (12,4)
Approved Date Date
Award Date Date
Change Reason Picklist
Currency Lookup (Exchange Rate)
Employment Master-Detail (Employment Record)
End Date Date
FTE Annual Amount Formula (Currency)
FTE Annual Amount Reporting Formula (Currency)
Increase Percentage Formula (Percent)
Last Currency Recalculation Date/Time
Next Start Date Date
Notes Long Text Area (32000)
Pay Code Picklist
Period Picklist
Previous Salary Lookup (Salary)
Previous Start Date Formula (Date)
Salary Band Formula (Text)
Salary Band Bottom Formula (Currency)
Salary Band Comparison Amount Formula (Currency)
Salary Band Position Formula (Percent)
Salary Band Quarter Formula (Number)
Salary Band Top Formula (Currency)
Send Email Checkbox
Start Date Date
Team Member Formula (Text)
Trigger Currency Recalculation Checkbox


Salary Band object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Base On Salary Amount Checkbox
Bottom Currency (16,2)
Bottom Reporting Formula (Currency)
Currency Lookup (Exchange Rate)
Currency Code Formula (Text)
Family Text (255)
Middle Currency (16,2)
Middle Reporting Formula (Currency)
Quarter 1 Currency (16,2)
Quarter 1 Reporting Formula (Currency)
Quarter 3 Currency (16,2)
Quarter 3 Reporting Formula (Currency)
Top Currency (16,2)
Top Reporting Formula (Currency)