Using future dates for salaries

When setting a new salary for a Team Member you can ensure the new salary does not become active until the start date with two configuration settings.

When set up:

  • A daily batch runs to set new items Active on their start dates.

  • New items are only set Active if the start date is today or in the past.

  • The Current Salary field on the Employment Record continues to report the salary active today, until the new salary is activated on the start date.

  • Amendments to an existing Current Salary record are immediately visible even if the record start date is amended to a future date. If you want a salary award to apply from a future date, create a new salary record with the correct Start Date.

  • Salary awards from a finalized HR Request are treated as new items and processed by the daily batch run.


For a future dated salary record to be included in the daily batch, the Team Member associated with the salary record must have a current, active salary record.