Picklists: Employment Record and related objects

To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Employment Record object

Basis field

  • Full Time

  • Contract

  • Part Time

  • Temporary

  • Freelance

Benefit Enrollment Request Reason field

  • Open Period

  • Employment Change

  • New Hire

  • Marriage

  • Divorce

  • Birth of Child

  • Adoption of Child

  • Bereavement

Trigger Action Email field

  • Start

  • Change

  • End

Do not change these default values. Values can be selected dynamically:

  • Change

    When the value of the Job Effective Date field is changed using the Change Position button on the Team Member Detail page.

Disciplinary Action object

Type field

Default picklist values for the Type field, Disciplinary Action object: 

  • Verbal Warning

  • Written Warning

  • Final Written Warning

  • Suspension

  • Dismissal

Incident Report object

Classify the Case field


This field and these picklist values are added by the Country Pack U.S.A. package.

  • Death

  • Days away from work

  • Job transfer or restrictions

  • Other record-able cases

Incident Type field

  • Contact with machinery

  • Hit by moving object

  • Hit by moving vehicle

  • Hit something stationary

  • Injured while handling or lifting

  • Slipped or tripped

  • Fall from height

  • Trapped by collapse

  • Drowned or asphyxiated

  • Exposed to harmful substance

  • Exposed to fire

  • Exposed to explosion

  • Contact with electricity

  • Injured by animal

  • Assaulted by person

  • Other

Seriousness field

  • Fatality

  • Major injury

  • Serious injury

  • Minor injury

Type Of Illness (OSHA)


This field and these picklist values are added by the Country Pack U.S.A. package.

  • Injury

  • Skin disorder

  • Respiratory condition

  • Poisoning

  • Hearing loss

  • Other

  • Agent

  • Lung

  • Toxic

  • Trauma

Tax status object

Type field

  • Country

  • Region

  • City