New selection stage

To add a new selection stage for a vacancy:

  1. From the Vacancies tab select the vacancy you want to edit and select Configure Selection Process.

    Recruit displays the Vacancy Configure page.

  2. On the Vacancy Configure page, select New Stage:

    Recruit displays the Selection Stage Details page.

  3. Complete the fields on the Selection Stage Details page, Information section:

    Field What to enter

    Stage Name

    Text. The name of the stage.


    A valid Sage People User Name. Use Assessor Lookup if necessary. The Recruit user primarily responsible for this selection stage. The assessor is prompted by an action item in Recruit whenever an application reaches this stage. The assessor is also the default for scheduled interviews. The workflow process may also prompt assessors at configured stages of your assessment process.

    Assessors with the Hiring Manager role for the Vacancy receive an action in WX to prompt them to perform their assessment.

    Assessment Notes

    Text. Notes to the assessor added to the top of the Interview Sheet for this stage. These can include anything to help in the decision making process.

  4. Complete the fields on the Selection Stage Details page, Options section:


    What to enter


    Number. The order of execution for selection stages, starting with the stage carrying the lowest number. The numbers need not be contiguous nor have an interval of 1.

    Include In Scoring

    Checkbox. If checked, scores for this stage are included when shortlisting.

    Part Of

    Picklist. If this stage is part of another, for example a panel interview or an exercise in an assessment center, select the parent stage. If this is part of another stage, only the scores for the selection criteria will be assessed and not the final outcome. The scores for all sub-stages then appear on the parent stage where the outcome is recorded.

  5. Complete the fields on the Selection Stage Details page, On Stage Starting section:


    What to enter

    Send Form

    Picklist. Use to send application forms, onboarding forms, reference requests, questionnaires, and so on when an application reaches this stage. Form types must exist before you can specify one; you cannot create them from here. Select a form to be linked to the Assessment Stage, the Application, or the Candidate.

    If you are using a Candidate Portal the selected form appears in the Portal, and any start of stage emails are sent.

    External Test

    Picklist. Select an external test to create when an application reaches this stage. If you are using a Candidate Portal the test appears in the Portal.

    Auto Create

    Checkbox. Check to create the assessment stage automatically when an application reaches this stage. Check Auto Create if workflow or prequalification questions are used for the stage.

    Send Form, External Test, and Auto Queue also create the stage automatically; if one of these is selected, Auto Create has no effect.

    Checking Auto Create on its own, without selecting Send Form, External Test, or Auto Queue, results in stage creation when the scores or results are saved.

    Auto Queue

    Checkbox. Check to add an application to an assessment queue automatically when an application reaches this stage.

    Send References

    Checkbox. Check to send any references set up for the candidate when an application reaches this stage.

    Set Onboarding

    Checkbox. Check to set the application and candidate to Onboarding status when an application reaches this stage.

    Set Hired

    Checkbox. Check to set the application and candidate to Hired status when an application reaches this stage.

    Start Stage Email Template

    Picklist. Select an email template to be sent when an application reaches this stage. The template must be linked to the application.

    Show To Hiring Manager

    Checkbox. Check to show Hiring Manager all Applications reaching this stage and all following stages.

    Use as a selective alternative to the Configuration setting Hiring Manager Show All Applications.

    Is Hiring Manager Stage

    Checkbox. Check if this stage must be assessed by the Hiring Manager.

    Use as a selective alternative to the Configuration setting Hiring Manager Assess All Stages.

    Clear Contact Via Agency

    Checkbox. Applies when using the Recruit Agency Portal. Check to enable direct contact with the candidate directly, rather than through their agency.

    Show to Workplace

    Checkbox. Check to set the application Show to Workplace option on when an application reaches this stage. The application is shown to workplace contacts when it reaches this stage.

    Only displayed if the Use Workplace configuration option is set on.

    Is Workplace Stage

    Checkbox. Check to set the stage to be assessed by a workplace portal user. The stage is shown to the workplace so they can arrange an interview, set scores and an overall result.

    Only displayed if the Use Workplace configuration option is set on.

  6. Complete the fields on the Selection Stage Details page, On Stage Assessment section:


    What to enter

    Visualforce Page

    An optional Visualforce page displayed to assess this stage. If not specified, stage assessment defaults to the standard assessment page.

    Require Entry

    Checkbox. Check if all selection criteria scores must have a value before the stage scores can be saved.

    Enter Start Details

    Checkbox. Check to add the fields in the Application field set Start Details to the assessment page. Use to enter details such as Start Salary and Start Date to the application during offer or onboarding.

    Enter Quality Assurance

    Checkbox. Check to add the fields in the assessment stage field set Quality Check to this assessment stage. The fields are shown when editing an existing assessment, but not when the assessment is new.

  7. Complete the fields on the Selection Stage Details page, Automatic Stage Actions section:


    What to enter

    Score For Auto Next Stage

    Number. If the total score for all criteria in this stage is equal to or greater than this value, the application passes automatically to the next stage. The next stage is specified in Auto Next Stage.

    If blank, all applications move to the next stage unless rejected through Required Below Needs Auto Reject or Score For Auto Reject.

    Auto Next Stage

    Picklist. Select the next selection stage for candidates who have scores saved that meet the value specified in Score For Auto Next Stage.

    If the outcome for this stage is set to Proceed to Next Stage, Auto Next Stage must be set to a value other than None for the outcome to take effect.

    Score For Auto Reject

    Number. If the total score for all criteria in this stage is equal to or less than this value, the application is automatically rejected.

    Required Below Needs Auto Reject

    Checkbox. Check to automatically reject any applicant who scores below the required level for any selection criteria.

  8. Complete the fields on the Selection Stage Details page, Outcome Details section:


    What to enter

    Delay Outcome Emails

    Checkbox. Check to queue outcome emails with outcome set to Reject, Not This Vacancy, or On Hold. Queued emails are sent when manually processed from the Applications List View.

    • The Delayed Outcome Email field is set for the selected email template.
    • The selected email is sent when an Administrator selects Delayed Emails on the Applications List View.
    • The Delayed Outcome Email field is cleared when moving stages or when the email is sent.

    On Hold Email Template

    Picklist. Select the email template used for the email sent to the applicant if this assessment stage is set to On Hold.

    Passive Email Template

    Picklist. Select the email template used for the email sent to the applicant if this assessment stage is set to Passive.

    Not This Vacancy Email Template

    Picklist. Select the email template used for the email sent to the applicant if this assessment stage is set to Not This Vacancy.

    Reject Email Template

    Picklist. Select the email template used for the email sent to the applicant if this assessment stage is set to Reject.

  9. Select Save.

    Recruit displays the Vacancy Configure page with the new selection stage added.