Example Overtime Conditions: Rollup group, 6 day week


  • Pay standard time for Monday to Friday daily hours up to 8 and weekly hours up to 40.

  • Pay weekday overtime for all hours over 8 on any day from Monday to Friday inclusive.

  • Pay weekday overtime for all standard hours over 40 in any Monday to Saturday week.

  • Pay standard time for Saturday hours up to 4.

    Pay weekend overtime for Saturday hours over 4.

Timespan Apply To Rollup Group Start Time Hours Greater Than Pay Code Description
Week -none- Standard -none- 0.00 Day Standard

Pay day standard rate for standard (not overtime) weekly hours up to 40.

To determine eligible hours, sum all time booked to Day Timespan Overtime Conditions in the Standard Rollup Group.

Week -none- Standard -none- 40.00 Weekly Overtime

Pay day overtime rate for weekly standard (not overtime) hours over 40.

To determine eligible hours, sum all time booked to Day Timespan Overtime Conditions in the Standard Rollup Group.

Day Weekdays Standard -none- 0.00 void

Pay day standard rate for weekday hours up to 8.

All hours booked are summed to ensure weekly standard hours over 40 are paid at weekly overtime rate.

As the hours from this Overtime Condition are rolled up to the weekly Rollup Group, assign the correct Pay Code to the weekly Overtime Condition and use a separate, throwaway Pay Code with the rate set to 0 for this Overtime Condition.

Day Weekdays -none- -none- 8.00 Day Overtime Pay day overtime rate for weekday hours over 8.
Day Saturday Standard -none- 0.00 void Pay standard rate for Saturday hours up to 4.
Day Saturday -none- -none- 4.00 Weekend Overtime Pay weekend overtime rate for Saturday hours over 4.

Screenshot: Timesheet weekly summary displaying an example with rollup groups