Timesheets setup

Sage People Time enables you to manage timesheet based attendance in a way that is fully integrated with other Sage People solutions. Essential when part or all of your workforce has part or all of their pay calculated on the basis of the time they spend at work, Sage People Time includes:

  • Time reporting through Sage People WX by:

    • Date and duration.

    • Total time, pay code, start and end time for one or multiple periods, or work allocation.

  • Timesheet pattern management, enabling groups of employees to report time in the same way, using the same overtime rules and conditions. Apply Timesheet patterns to policies and to individual Team Members.

  • Automated calculation of pay and amounts billable, based on specified pay codes and overtime rates.

  • Linkage to payroll through Sage People Payflow™.

Follow this sequence:

  1. Set up Pay Codes.

    Each Pay Code represents a single rate of pay and uses:

    • A name for display on WX Timesheets and in Pay Code Lookup.

    • An internal code which can be passed through to your payroll provider using Sage People Payflow.

    Pay Codes are associated with Overtime Conditions.

  2. Set up Overtime Rules.

    Each Overtime Rule uses one or more Overtime Conditions to define the hours required to qualify for overtime pay. Each Overtime Condition has an associated Pay Code. Overtime Conditions can also have Sub-Conditions, each of which must be TRUE for the parent Condition to be TRUE. Overtime Rules are assigned to one or more Timesheet Patterns.

  3. Set up Timesheet Patterns.

    A Timesheet Pattern defines the Timesheet period and the type of entry to request on timesheets: time, pay code, or work allocation. Each Pattern has an associated Overtime Rule and can be assigned to:

  4. Set up Work Days Patterns.

    Each Work Days Pattern defines the working week for one or more Team Members. Sage People Time uses Work Days Patterns in conjunction with Overtime Conditions to establish when overtime is due on a Timesheet. Work Days Patterns can be assigned to:

    • A Policy to apply to all Team Members using that Policy.

    • Individual Team Members.

  5. If you are using Work Allocations, set up Work Allocations.

    Each Work Allocation defines a project, piece of work, or customer against which you want Team Members to book their time. Typically used for employees with portable skill sets who may work on a number of different projects or product lines over a period of time. When Work Allocations are defined and active, Team Members can book their time against the projects they have worked on during a timesheet period.

  6. Configure the Policies and the Profiles used by Team Members who will be entering their work time through WX to ensure the correct level of access is provided.