
If you have this problem... Try
Overtime over 40; 40.5 and the .5 is not showing in OT. Look at overtime conditions to ensure the period is correct, change day to week; remove the multiple rule action.
Extracting timesheet data through Payflow produces time report rows with no associated pay codes.

When a timesheet is completed in WX, a time report is created for each day, pay code in a day, and work allocation in a day (if work allocations as used), and a time report for the sum of the time for the day.

To exclude these time reports from your extracts, select fHCM2__Code__c for Subgroup Field and set its value to ! in your Payflow Service's configuration:

Screenshot: Setting the value of the Subgroup Field

A WX user completing their timesheet sees a validation error message: "You cannot enter more than 8.00 hours on your Timesheet".

This issue is likely to be caused by different numbers of decimal characters and rounding somewhere in the calculations.

Change the validation rule to check for >= to 8.01.

A WX user attempting to add a new Work Allocation gets an error message stating, "No Work Allocations left to add".

Review the fields included in the Hierarchy field set in the Work Allocation object, and their order. If you are not using the Area field, but it is the first field in the field set, this error is displayed.

Screenshot: Hierarchy field set in the Work Allocation object

Reports based on timesheets or timesheets in the HR Manager portal display double the time for the day and contain an additional row.

When a timesheet is completed in WX, a time report is created for each day, pay code in a day, and work allocation in a day (if work allocations as used), and a time report for the sum of the time for the day.

You can filter out the row for the day's total hours in reports. It is not possible to filter out this row in the Time Reports view in the HR Manager portal.

Some pay codes are missing from the Weekly total section of the timesheet in WX, and the sum of the hours for pay codes listed does not match the weekly total.

The following screenshot shows an example:

Screenshot: Weekly total section for a timesheet in WX showing fewer hours against pay codes than the weekly total

Review the descriptions and codes of your pay codes. The value of the Code field must be unique across all pay codes for timesheets to display them correctly.

The following screenshot shows an example of pay codes with non-unique codes:

Screenshot: A list view of pay codes with non-unique values in the Code field

When the Code field values in pay codes are unique, the timesheet Weekly Total calculates correctly as in the screenshot below:

Screenshot: Weekly total section for a timesheet in WX

After a manager has rejected a timesheet, the Team Member is unable to edit and resubmit it. Check if there is an absence during the timesheet period.
A custom field created in the Timesheet object does not display in WX. Custom fields in either Timesheet or Time Report objects do not display in WX.
A WX user cannot withdraw or edit a timesheet in the Submitted status. To enable WX users to edit timesheets in either Submitted or Approved status, the action date (Submitted Date or Approved Date) needs to be cleared in the HR Manager portal first.
Reports based on the Time Reports object return too many hours per day for Team Members.

When a timesheet is completed in WX, a time report is created for each day, pay code in a day, and work allocation in a day (if work allocations as used), and a time report for the sum of the time for the day.

When reporting on timesheets, either include entries associated with a Rate and Code, or those without; otherwise the report contains double the hours.