Custom permission for HTML content

The Internal Communications Html Edit custom permission enables HR Manager Portal users who are not System Administrators to use HTML content on the Internal Communication detail page when creating Internal Communications. The custom permission gives you the option to create a profile or permission set for users who only need HR Manager Portal access to create and manage Internal Communications rather than your people data or other settings and configurations. Alternatively, you can add it to existing profiles or permission sets.

Before updating your profiles or permission sets, deactivate the HTML option in the picklists for Detail Type and Tile Type fields. If you do not deactivate the option, users see two HTML options when they select the picklist.

  1. Go to the object manager: Setup > Object Manager.

  2. Select the Internal Communications object.

  3. Go to the fields: select Fields & Relationships.

  4. Select the Detail Type field and scroll down to the Values section.

  5. For the HTML option, select Deactivate.

    Sage People displays a confirmation dialog to ask if you are sure.

  6. Select OK.

    Sage People redisplays the page, with the HTML option in the Inactive Values section.

  7. Select Back to Internal Communication.

  8. On the list of fields, select Tile Type and repeat steps 5 and 6.

If you use Profiles to manage user access in your org, you can add the custom permission to a Profile:

  1. Go to Setup > Administration > Users > Profiles.
  2. On the User Profiles page, select the Name for the Profile where you want to add the custom permission.
  3. Go to the Enabled Custom Permissions Related List and select Edit.
  4. In the Enable Custom Permissions dialog, Available Custom Permissions window, select Fairsail Human Capital Management.fHCM2.Internal Communications Html Edit, and then select Add.

    Sage People displays the custom permission in the Enabled Custom Permissions window.

  5. Select Save.

    Users with the Profile can now add HTML content for Internal Communications.

If you use Permission Sets to manage user access in your org, you can add the custom permission to a Permission Set:

  1. Go to Setup > Administration > Users > Permission Sets, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Manage Users > Permission Sets.
  2. On the Permission Sets page, select the Permission Set Label for the Permission Set where you want to add the custom permission.
  3. In the Apps section, select Custom Permissions.
  4. On the Custom Permissions page, select Edit.
  5. On the Custom Permissions edit page, in the Available Custom Permissions window, select fHCM2.Internal Communications Html Edit, and then select Add.

    Sage People displays the custom permission in the Enabled Custom Permissions window.

  6. Select Save.

    Users with the Permission Set can now add HTML content for Internal Communications.