Reports and Dashboards | Tips

  • A reporting snapshot can add a maximum of 2000 new records. If the organization has more than 2000 team members, you need to have multiple snapshot reports based on criteria to limits the number of records to fewer than 2000, such as filtering by HR Department, gender, or some other field.
  • A column for % Split is included in many reports to present a value in dashboards that easily displays the % of the total attributed to one segment of the data. For example, the % Split column in the report in the following screenshot provides a % of the headcount at each age level:

    Illustration: % split column in a headcount report

    To calculate % Split:

    • Ensure you have selected the grouping for the split, add the following formula: 


      Calculating % split

      100 *(RowCount / PARENTGROUPVAL(RowCount , GRAND_SUMMARY))