
HCM forms are not sending

If form email notifications are not being sent, confirm you have verified the Organization-Wide Email Address for the organization. Go to Setup > Email > Organization-Wide Addresses.

See Organization wide email addresses.

Unable to send or bulk send forms for a specific profile

If you are unable to send forms manually using Send Form or bulk send, check you have enabled the TeamMemberFormExtensionController Apex class for the relevant profile.

  1. Select Setup > Users > User Management Settings

  2. Select Enable beside Enhanced Profile User Interface:

  3. To enable Apex class access, select Users > Profiles and select the profile you want to change (for example Fairsail HR Manager):

  4. Select Apex Class Access.

  5. Select Edit.

  6. Select fHCM2.TeamMemberFormExtensionController from Available Apex Classes and add it to Enabled Apex Classes:

    To enable bulk send, enable the fHCM2.EmailTeamMemberExtensionController Apex class:

  7. Select Save.

  8. When added, revisit step 1 and Disable the Enhanced Profile User Interface setting.

The relevant profile can now send forms via the button on the Team Member record:

See Send forms manually (HCM).

The Send Form button does not work for forms linked to the Absence object

The Send Form button only functions for forms with a link relationship to the Team Member or Employment objects. To send forms linked to Absence or other objects, create an Action Event.

See Using Action Events (HCM).

The form is not visible to managers

Make sure the form has been made available to managers via its action event and form definition settings. See Form action events.

If some managers are still unable to see the form in WX, ensure that the Team Member name, User name, and Actor name are all in sync. Differences in the name can cause the form to not be visible.

The Team Member name is not appearing in the Actions list

When a form is triggered by an action event, the Team Member name does not appear as the "Subject" in the Actions list.

To make the Team Member name appear in the list, ensure you must create a Flow that automatically updates the record with the Team Member name.

For more information, see Using Action Events (HCM).

Picklist fields do not map to the object record defined in your data link rule

If picklist values are not saved correctly to the object record as defined in your data link rule, ensure that all required values are assigned to the "Active" Record Type.

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the object you want to check.

  2. Select Record Types from the menu.

  3. Select Active.

  4. Select the picklist you want to update.

  5. Move any fields you want to use from the Available Values box to the Selected Values box.

  6. Select Save.

If the form has been tested prior to updating the logo or CSS branding, try clearing your cache and/or viewing the form in a different browser.

Checkboxes display as a broken image icon

If this occurs, try changing the question type in the form definition to checkboxhtml.

The 'completed' message doesn't appear at the end of the form

When specifying a message to display when the form is completed, ensure you enter the New Message ID as "completed", all in lowercase, without quotation marks. If you enter "complete", the message is not displayed.

See New Message.

Form rule: "Too many fields" error

When creating a data link rule, you see this error message:

--Too many fields. Use advanced mode--

This error can occur because the Visualforce page has reached its object limit; the maximum number of fields it is able to display. Select Advanced rule and copy the API name(s) for all fields in the form.

See Advanced data link rules

"This site cannot be reached" error message

When attempting to access a form, users see this message:

This site cannot be reached. <site_name>’s server IP address could not be found.

Check the URL for the form. The URL should be in this format: fhcm2__form/?id=Tj1zuPtYGt3qcq9TYpF7a_EQnZkADgi79mu

This error typically occurs if the /hr/ path has been omitted from the end of the Request Prefix field. In the example above, the Request Prefix field should read:

"Site under construction" error message

When accessing a form site, users see a "<site_name> is under construction. Stay tuned." message.

Check the URL contains forward slashes between .com/hr/fHCM2

If the forward slash is missing, edit the HCM Form Definition and add / as the last character in the Request Prefix field:

"Authorization Required" error when accessing a form

If users see this message when opening the form:

Authorization Required: you must first log in or register before accessing this page.

  • Check your HCM form definition picklist values are the same as the picklist values for any fields you are linking to via data links.

"Authorization required" error when submitting a form

If users see this message when submitting the form:

Authorization Required: you must first log in or register before accessing this page.

If you are using page conditions, confirm that this is configured correctly, using the correct syntax. See Page conditions.

To assist with more detailed troubleshooting, you can access a detailed error message for this issue by following the steps below.

"Data value too large" error when submitting a form

When users submit a form, they see the following data length limit error:

Data Name: Data value too large.

Error: Data value is too large

Amend the question prompts on your Form Definition to 80 characters or less. While the system may allow you to save longer prompts, if you exceed 80 characters, an error message will appear when the form is used.

"Invalid token" error message

Users see the following error message:

Error: Invalid token "<part_of_field_name>" at expression end in <field_name>.

This error means that the question name has a space or an invalid character. Remove the space or invalid character and resave the form definition.

See New question

The Value field is truncated in reports

When trying to report on Forms, the Value field is truncated so the full value cannot be exported.

Use the Long Value field instead of the Value field in the report. When exported, the full value will show even if it doesn't show in the report on screen.

A condition added to a Recruit Form Email does not work

The Condition field on the Recruit Form Email page is deprecated and should not be used.