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Screenshot: Policy options for Competency Assessment



Competency Assessments

Checkbox. If checked, the Competency Assessments process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

Competency Assessment Repeat

Number. The default number of months between competency assessments. An action is created for the manager when a competency assessment is due.

New Competency Assessment

Picklist. The lowest level able to start a competency assessment. Select from:

  • Team Member: can be started by all.
  • Manager: can be started by manager or HR.
  • HR: can be started by HR only.

Create Competency Assessment When Due

Checkbox. If checked, a competency assessment is automatically created on the Next Competency Assessment Date for the Team Member.

Job Profile

Text box. The default Job Profile for Team Members using this policy. Job Profiles store the competencies, indicators, skills, and metrics associated with each job type.

Use Job Profile lookup Icon: Salesforce Lookup to find and select a profile from the Job Profile library.

Fix Assessed Job Profile


If checked, the competency assessment job profile is read-only when starting an assessment. The job profile to be used is taken from the Job Profile field in the Team Member object.

If unchecked you can select a job profile to provide the competencies, indicators, skills, and metrics against which you will run assessments for team members using this policy. If you want to run competency assessments against more than one job profile, leave this option unchecked.

Require Self Assessment

Checkbox. If checked, competency assessments require self assessment by the team member. A competency assessment cannot be closed until there is a completed self assessment.

Require Manager Assessment

Checkbox. If checked, competency assessments require an assessment by the team member's manager. A competency assessment cannot be closed until there is a completed manager assessment.

Minimum Other Assessors

Number. The minimum number of assessors required other than self and manager. A competency assessment cannot be closed until at least the minimum number of other assessors have completed their assessments. Remember an assessor group must have at least 3 assessors to count.

To permit competency assessments by self and manager alone, with no other assessors, enter 0 (zero). A blank field is not permitted.

Maximum Other Assessors

Number. The maximum number of assessors permitted for a competency assessment, other than self and manager. If null, unlimited assessors are permitted.

Minimum Assessor Group Size

Number. The minimum number of assessors permitted in an assessor group, other than self or manager, to show results as a separate unit.

Permitted Assessors

Picklist. The type of assessor that can be asked to contribute to a Competency Assessment.

Select from:

  • Internal

    To restrict assessors to Team Members within your organization. All Team Members must have a defined email address to enable selection. The Competency Assessment displays an Add From Organization link in WX and you are asked to supply name and reporting relationship.

  • External

    To restrict assessors to people outside your organization. The Competency Assessment displays an Add External link in WX and you are asked to supply names, email address, and reporting relationship. Can be used to add customers, suppliers, colleagues in other organizations, or others as assessors.

  • Both

    To enable internal and external assessors to be added to the Competency Assessment. The Assessment displays both Add From Organization and Add External links in WX.

Competency Assessment Hide Assessors

Checkbox. If checked, assessor names are not displayed to the Team Member in the competency assessment results.

Auto Start Assessment

Checkbox. If checked, the assessment does not ask for additional assessors. The assessment starts with:

  • Manager, if Require Manager Assessment is checked.
  • Self, if Require Self Assessment is checked.

This option only works for assessments started by the manager or team member, not for bulk start assessments.

Show Last Development Action

Checkbox. If checked, any existing development actions for a competency are shown to the manager and team member. This enables them to assess performance in the context of development actions that have been set.

Auto-Complete Competency Assessment

Checkbox. If checked, a competency assessment automatically completes when all assessors have completed their individual assessments.

Manager View Completed Assessments

Checkbox. If checked:

  • Managers can view self assessments submitted by their Team Members and all other submitted assessments, before completing the manager's assessment.
  • Team Members can view their submitted self assessments.
  • Other assessors can view the assessments they each submitted for the Team Member.
  • Team Members and other assessors are not able to view assessments submitted by anyone other than themselves.

If unchecked:

  • No assessment details are visible in the Competency Assessment Draft tab in WX.
  • Assessment results are visible in the Completed tab in WX only when the Competency Assessment has been closed.

Auto-Show Competency Results


If checked, a competency assessment is automatically shown to the team member on completion.

If not checked, the manager or HR must select Reveal to show the assessment.

HR Reveals Competency Assessment

Checkbox. If checked, the competency assessment can only be revealed to the Team Member by HR.

Competencies Sort By Order

Checkbox. If checked, Competency Assessment results are displayed in the order dictated by the value of the Order field on the Competency Library Items, not by strength.

Close Development Needs On Assessment

Checkbox. If checked, current competency based development needs are closed when a competency assessment completes.

Hide From Team View

Picklist. The type of Assessor to hide from the Team View of Competency Assessment. Select the picklist and choose from:

  • None

    The default. The Team View of Competency Assessment shows all assessors, unless the assessor's Policy setting for Hide From Team View excludes them.

  • Manager

    The Team View of Competency Assessment excludes the Team Member's manager.

  • Manager and Colleagues

    The Team View of Competency Assessment excludes the Team Member's manager and the Team Member's colleagues.

Field sets

Competency Assessment object

Field Set Purpose

Assessment Tile

Fields displayed on the WX Competency Assessment Tile.

New Assessment

Fields displayed in WX when creating a new competency assessment.

Displayed in the Assessed Job Profile and Key Dates section of the initial Competency Assessment page.

Team Member object

Field Set Purpose

WX People Search Filters

Fields searched by People Search in WX. Also used for other Team Member searches, including Competency Assessment Add From Organization.

Picklist values

To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Assessment object

Reporting Relationship field

  • Self

  • Manager

  • Colleague

  • Direct Report

  • Customer

  • Other

Competency Library Language object

Locale field

  • da

  • de

  • es

  • fi

  • fr

  • it

  • ja

  • ko

  • nl_NL

  • pt_BR

  • ru

  • sv

  • th

  • zh_CN

  • zh_TW

Indicator Library Language object

Locale field

  • da

  • de

  • es

  • fi

  • fr

  • it

  • ja

  • ko

  • nl_NL

  • pt_BR

  • ru

  • sv

  • th

  • zh_CN

  • zh_TW

Indicator Comment object

Reporting Relationship field

  • Self

  • Manager

  • Colleague

  • Direct Report

  • Customer

  • Other

Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Assessment object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Lookup (User)

Assessor Email

Formula (Text)

Assessor Name

Formula (Text)

Assessor Salutation

Text (128)

Assessor Type

Formula (Text)


Long Text Area (32000)

Competency Assessment

Lookup (Competency Assessment)

Development Need

Long Text Area (32000)


Text (255)

End Date


External Assessor Email


External Assessor Name

Text (128)

External Request URL

Formula (Text)

Reported As Other


Reporting Relationship


Start Date



Formula (Text)


Long Text Area (32000)

Team Member

Text (128)

Trigger Complete



Competency object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Area Formula (Text)
Average Percentage Formula (Percentage)
Average Score Number (2,1)
Bar Chart Formula (Text)
Colleague Frequency Text (128)
Colleague Percentage Formula (Percent)
Colleague Score Number (2,1)
Competency Assessment Master-Detail (Competency Assessment)
Competency Library Item Lookup (Competency Library Item)
Customer Frequency Text (128)
Customer Percentage Formula (Percent)
Customer Score Number (2,1)
Direct Report Frequency Text (128)
Direct Report Percentage Formula (Percent)
Direct Report Score Number (2,1)
Job Need Lookup (Job Need)
Manager Comment Long Text Area (32000)
Manager Frequency Text (128)
Manager Percentage Formula (Percent)
Manager Score Number (2,1)
Maximum Score Number (2,0)
Mentor Frequency Text (128)
Mentor Percentage Formula (Percent)
Mentor Score Number (2,1)
Other Frequency Text (128)
Other Percentage Formula (Percent)
Other Score Number (2,1)
Planned Development Long Text Area (32000)
Progress Long Text Area (32000)
Response Frequency Text (128)
Self Comment Long Text Area (32000)
Self Percentage Formula (Percent)
Self Score Number (2,1)
When Text Area (255)


Competency Assessment object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Formula (Text)

Action Date

Formula (Date)

Close Date


Competency Average

Formula (Number)

Competency Count

Roll-Up Summary (COUNT Competency)

Competency Sum

Roll-Up Summary (SUM Competency)

Completed Date


End Date


Is Current

Formula (Text)

Job Profile

Lookup (Job Profile)

Manager Action

Formula (Text)

Manager Action Date

Formula (Date)

Manager Active


Others Active

Number (2,0)

Show Team Member


Start Date


Start Form Completed



Formula (Text)

Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)

Team Member Action

Formula (Text)

Team Member Action Date

Formula (Date)

Team Member Active


Team Member Email


Trigger Close


Trigger Start



Competency Library Item object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Area Formula (Text)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Family Text (255)
Level Text (80)
Order Number (18,0)
Picture Text (16)
Picture URL Formula (Text)
Prompt Text (255)


Competency Library Language object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Area Formula (Text)
Competency Library Item Master-Detail (Competency Library Item)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Locale Picklist
Prompt Text (255)


Indicator object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Average Percentage Formula (Percent)
Average Score Number (2,1)
Bar Chart Formula (Text)
Colleague Frequency Text (128)
Colleague Percentage Formula (Percent)
Colleague Score Number (2,1)
Competency Lookup (Competency)
Competency Assessment Master-Detail (Competency Assessment)
Customer Frequency Text (128)
Customer Percentage Formula (Percent)
Customer Score Number (2,1)
Direct Report Frequency Text (128)
Direct Report Percentage Formula (Percent)
Direct Report Score Number (2,1)
Indicator Library Item Lookup (Indicator Library Item)
Job Need Lookup (Job Need)
Manager Frequency Text (128)
Manager Percentage Formula (Percent)
Manager Score Number (2,1)
Maximum Score Number (2,1)
Mentor Frequency Text (128)
Mentor Percentage Formula (Percent)
Mentor Score Number (2,1)
Other Frequency Text (128)
Other Percentage Formula (Percent)
Other Score Number (2,1)
Response Frequency Text (128)
Self Percentage Formula (Percent)
Self Score Number (2,1)


Indicator Comment object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Long Text Area (32000)


Lookup (Competency)

Competency Assessment

Master-Detail (Competency Assessment)

Development Need

Long Text Area (32000)


Lookup (Indicator)

Reporting Relationship



Long Text Area (32000)


Indicator Library Item object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Competency Library Item Master-Detail (Competency Library Item)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Family Text (255)
Order Number (18,0)


* see associated note

Rich Text Area (32000)
Scale Lookup (Scale)



Make sure you use the fHCM2__Prompt_v2__c.Prompt field for Indicator Library Items in your page layouts. This field, with the Rich Text Area field type, replaces the deprecated fHCM2__Prompt__c.Prompt field (Long Text Area field type).


Indicator Response object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Lookup (Assessment)


Long Text Area (32000)

Development Need

Long Text Area (32000)


Lookup (Indicator)


Number (2,0)


Long Text Area (32000)

Record types

Competency Assessment object record types: 

  • Draft

  • Active

  • Completed

Action events


When sent


When a Competency Assessment is closed and the results are made available to the manager and, optionally, the team member.


When the role or dates are amended before a Competency Assessment is started.


When a Competency Assessment is created.


When the results of the Competency Assessment are made available to the team member if they were withheld on closing.


When a Competency Assessment starts and assessors are asked to provide feedback.


  • Manager: Add New. Appears when:

    • The Competency Assessment process is active.

    • There are no assessments in progress for this competency assessment.

    • The Next Competency Assessment date is set for today or in the past.

      After a competency assessment is complete the Next Competency Assessment is set to occur in the number of months defined in the policy Competency Assessment Repeat field. If the Next Competency Assessment Date field on the Team Member record is blank then it is set to the number of Repeat Months beyond the date the just completed assessment was originally started.

  • Manager and Team Member: Start. Appears when:

    The competency assessment has status Draft

  • Manager: Manager assessment. Appears when:

    • The competency assessment has status Active
    • There is a manager assessment still to be completed
  • Team Member: Self assessment. Appears when:

    • The competency assessment has status Active
    • There is a self assessment still to be completed
  • Manager and Team Member: Close. Appears when:

    • The competency assessment has status Active
    • Either: all assessments are completed, or the End Date is in the past